When we want an incident to have gone in a different way from the way it actually did occur; we do not know how this different way will occur!
Sleep deprivation causes us to find scapegoats, but the trial is to identify what they are?
We are impressionable creatures, though with an awareness of it, but it is laborious to affectively impress ourselves to ourselves.
When we rush, we offer confidence to ourselves when we are not hurrying, and when we are not hurrying we offer confidence to ourselves when we rush.
The shorter the maxim, the greater is its critical mass.
We all desire to roughly identify the age we would die, but if we did not know the year we were born, would it count too much?
State of ideas.- When we halt, some kinds of ending has been made. Also, when we resume to make gaps we compose a beginning, such is the natural cycle of our theory.
We like to expect, but what is hope? Which interpretation does we takes of hope? Because we never determine or settle, it effectively coerces it possible for us to hope in different surrounding circumstances.
Much rest comes with reason, when one considers one has had enough before of it.
Whenever we absolutely hope for something, it does not matter if that something changes as long as we still want it.- For wanting is about the desire to couple, and the sentiment is the glue, we link and we find implementation in the link, as if the passion is what we expect, and the something is only the illusion to it. As with one sex to another the relationship is valued over the person, and frequently impressions are deceptive, or a necessary mirage. And of items we need, we do not desire because they have a role, for want is the desire for things that we do not need, and what one requires is because of what one offers.
There is a language of explanations in every language, which makes people consider in volatile ways.- I do like that Dylan song, ‘the answer my friend is blowing in the wind‘; I besides had watched that a wasp had been blown by the wind high up and through the little gap where the window opened, but how hard the wasp tried to find the opening it simply buzzed more. The inquiry is which way is the gale blowing, either to the slit, or away from it? For with a towel I gave the wasp another wing, which created its own wind which was in an opposite direction: and is such an air not motivation!
The more the intelligence of an individual increases, the less that individual loves.- For love is about self-passion, or of the serving of the person, from either perspective of self-love, or outer love: whereas one confronts truth, the other confronts life in a naked form, perhaps even stripped of a body, and one enters life only in a descriptive form of report and details. One can consider too well, and one is too well composed of logic - one is in danger of impressing as primary, for good thinking looks in the mirror; but educated thinking places one in a box!
Absolutes weaken the heart, enough to beg for forgiveness, from our obligation for issues to be in satisfactory assortment.
Absolutions exist, when we lean onto materialistic issues that can only appear as they especially seem to us because they lean onto something else, whether it be a partner, dream, or such and such job.
Past old smiles or horizons .- What lies between a soul and a ‘good’ smile? Better to know who bestowed them that grin, and we find what we seek between their soul, and their (good in honour subjective pathos) smile, and in this other we find the expression. But subsequently what lies between this expression at their soul, or essence, who is the lead to of the expression? To discover this in the original cause we find wisdom.
Thus stands another day, but the judicial rank of perspective remains only in style.- One senses the intense in life as distant shores, and things far from ourselves of present reason with strained eyes. But sense is found in factors that have no value, and thus we find resolve in our motivation.
Value and capital.- It is a strange wonder that love cannot be put in any place, when one tries it moves to exhibit it cannot. As of the greatest inner quality, the greatest outer wealth can be put in any place, and it exhibits itself in the most exact intended fashion.
Thus successful love is also surrender, but not acceptance, for acceptance seeks a form from what is all forms and no forms!
The merit of love is the query of love – it is fundamentally why one wonders? Why does one bear?
The intention of love is the construction of lifestyle – the touch of things flowing: the difficulty that skins in the reply.
The rapport of love is the discrimination of lifestyle – one wonders it is all a fragmentation of one's own mind. The daily consumption of beauty lies only in our notion of love, but too volatile for any recognition of it: as all invisible concepts in the unconsciousness – only to sink it to transport it up…as for of life we must play too.
Poem. - Flow To The Flower
On giant streams of drift,
Past the falling tide,
Going to shores far and away,
Flow to the flower.
In timeless energies,
Of notion or motion,
Generation to era,
From delivery to expiration.
Looking back,
Where convictions and fabric are older,
Clues to route finding,
Though a shaded inspiration.
Inspire thy fascination to will,
For a good day,
Through lures,
To bigger and not longer remarks.
Vitality in trident areas.- Perfection can abort one down to one’s base character, it brings about one blank to oneself. Many are allured from being for the sake of clarity, and abandoned at the counter roads, though clarity does assign a glimpse of charge. But the being of living needs the blur of non clarity such is the adversity needed in life, in contrast to denial-idealism of the binary dimensional ‘proper’ life!
When the spectator celebrates more than the doer - the cause of the celebration, it becomes plain to the doer that the onlooker has a greater share in the observance. From this one understands that the laws of essential nature travel through our most technical moments, as a dog chases a cat, but then does the doer become a sucker! It is a period for the doer to increase their shares in the process, where the cat becomes a dog, as a bird which sways from the gale.
Aphorisms of lyrical substance forestall the temptation of the obvious nobility, and invariably carry themselves off well. From recalls do such aphorisms come from, such images stand in our background like distant landscapes being consistently wayward and outward by ambition. But additionally aphorisms are not such landscapes but paths too, as timeless as the mirage of Aphrodite herself.
God as an alien authority causes a fear, even in prayers do we brave one’s pretension. We seek to desire the meaning of our deep desires, or dreams of expectations of our lives, without haste. Though the notion of God is so capricious, furthermore it is probably because our need to dream has made us so spirited, though not to stretch for anything like the moon or stars but that vague warmth in ourselves that only we can relate to, which assists us to tame our obstacles, and find a stronger will. As within ourselves we desire a sun that is not so obvious, that some doubt it, as we may have obliged.
Our suspicion arises when we feel it is about time we had some luck, but where there is hopelessness, mistrust does not arise, as despair does not disturb the psyche. Though to have hope for something, to believe something one does not create a notion of luck: And if not in this time, there will be another time.
Many things hide and wander themselves in ourselves, and in life.- There is much temptation towards hidden things, but the reality is that there are no speculations, if one trusts the operations that are shrouded: to see the sun in the moon, like day in night.
Be not yourself, but be sincere.- We are dreamers, and have to revive. We ponder away so much, and in our stillness we hear past footsteps. We question not our judgement, for how can we be wrong: because we seem like ourselves.
Any life can be condensed to a painting, with all the finer bits and pieces, though this is more than an interpretation of outstanding art, but a common desire. Or perhaps an abstract painting some may feel they deserve, but the mentation needed in their life may appear as a shock.
What seems startling is how often a web appears in our minds. As in dark cellars one evades to, when rational thoughts with hope lose all inertia, as one declines to think through life.
It is uphill to comprehend the necessity of overcoming in life, because our convictions are like the climate. When a sky of rain brightens the next day to a sky of light; there will still exist, the previous clouds, thought the day be called sunny.
Objectiveness is a direct policy of the soul, one watches, and eats, one absolutely is. Whereas subjectivity lies between solutions, it is not on an assignment for maxim. Though objectiveness lies between problems, though in themselves queries can be objective or subjective, but the principle is that questions and answers belong more to simplicity, than objectivity, or subjectivity, as they are a more of an expression of being.
Inner reality fulfils dreams in our lives.- We request so much, but some things cannot be found in the normal sensuality as we assume that everything is here. Though it is considered wrong to want so much, and also vain - though we are capable of having everything in our lives, our emptiness exists not for survival but how can evolution put such a big empty cup inside of ourselves that does not serve evolution, but the spiritual quest.
Though dreams cannot be achieved through work, and doing things, especially dreams with exalted spirit, but that is why they are dreams, as yet they propel our reality, unlike the dreams of sleep which defrag and sublime our reality. Though such a reality we cannot order for ourselves, but because it is as free as the body that we use for the things we do in life, yet it must come from a deeper reality.
On life plans.- Improvisation is a sample of ‘pure inspiration’ - adapting in the moment, one seizes the moment, free from tied contract and display: the relevant moment in the instant, between pulses. But one has to improvise on improvisation, one has to adapt, in such moments with too many options. True improvisation cannot be planned, as Jazz, but it relies on a complete trust of oneself. Though the irony is that from such moments reservoirs are created, from which origins of plans are designed.
Soul motive power living. - Consider what common wave of motivation comes, and where it takes one, perhaps only to a motivated state of something becoming more prepared to over loaded or to elevate an impassioned and adapt firestorm of advantage on a course of action. Though this is a side issue, for a reason of underlying motive has to provide reasons for motivation, rather than favourable and negative weightings.
Firstly happiness must be based on being, the ontological state must find such posture: reaching and going beyond this and that. Everybody is go geared up in present motivational stance, but only spending off their inner resources. One has to motivate through reason, because one thinks thus, and said this and that, and one is led through the fire: it is enough to throw one stone in the pond every day, one need not throw oneself into it…
Poem Of Tragic Forces
In our empty space of fading energy, of relative illusion of…
Too much hope in a hopeless world,
And yet something of something,
Embrace thy heart within thy heart.
Let old memories lie, and steal forgetfulness,
I regularly perceive low qualities of folk,
Like mistrust lost in confusion,
Laying on frosty ground, echoing thin(king) shade.
But demons come in human form,
And many a devil lie waiting,
Trust lays beaten and tortured,
To a core, red eyes lurk.
To climb to peak experience,
Like raindrops resting on fogs,
For the frost will turn them to snow,
At the close of the alley one finds another alleyway.
Poem Of The Tree
There is an appointment inside echoing desire,
A portal that does not, though desire to open-
For fear of who we honestly are,
Yet we the stranger are gripped.
Find places that relate to us inside,
And our aims are not ours,
Though the hope for them is,
Wish then for realizations because we are ourselves.
There is a street in the world,
With wonder we seek,
And can we catch our falling leaves,
As our spirit is like a tree.
The tree represents our reflections of dreams,
Its branches are our speed of action,
For longer branches reach further and are slower;
For patience is the measure of dreams.
The shadow of the tree is our dreams,
And the wood is our world,
But the shape and form of the soul,
expresses our reality.
Poem Of Attraction And Distraction
While we run away, things pass anyway.
When we speed, we also desert our courage.
Distraction is the rival of bearing in life,
And attraction leads to direction in life.
Many desire love in their core,
And henceforth many directions are found from it.
Though of hatred,
Directions lead backwards in life.
Fond memories bring cheer to face,
Even lost love brings inertia where there is none.
And of hope, what is it made of?
Not of mistrust, or even certainty but through the bringing of oneself ahead.
Innocence.- One looks for the sense of innocence, because it is so much about ourselves, and responsibility does not shallow it. Also, it is a relevant branch of that innocence that sets will and purpose within. What of this personal innocence we seek, for it is of worth? It is but the necessity inside which has turned to meaning: observing the subjective turned to the objective, rather than the thought reacting to the feeling, the feeling becomes the thought, and this thought stands in innocence as a new thought, and not related to the previous thought. So this feeling which reacts to this new thought is the feeling of innocence.
It is appealing that in the minds mapping so many things appear preset, and that many things work more with progression, than evolution.- One can be consumed by the bulk of contradicting, but valid or worthy posts, but it is the ideas that are self-critical, which open their essence to the backer. Which do not complicate, but simplify observations of eternal wealth, for such things stick to the soul. Whereas the technique of preconceived points, is of accessibility, soul, and sparkle, or expressiveness in the true sense of truth.
The aphorism is like salvation, because it takes oneself to the depths, though it seems the aphorisms create this depth in the path finder, but this is not true, for it shows the depths as something new, but it is not new to readers, for the unconscious part of themselves are the readers too of themselves.
Aphorisms are youthful travellers that marvel for responses, with truth as a motivator. But what motivated one to truth, if truth does not motivate, one has to follow ones motivations and this could lead one to a truth seeker, or one that is motivated by truth: to follow any motivation will eventually lead to this, and this is the intent of incentive, as a preset, or a formerly prepared exam, in the same way that one may progress with exams in life, or academy from nursery to high school! For the law makers are not the law givers, but it is part of the preset routine, thus it is no task for a philosopher; for we are all servants of truth, and aphorisms in this scheme are psalms for all religions.
It is through the light in ourselves that we want to change our meanings, like a new decoration to life, but does one criticise? When one wonders, anything can occur, including criticism. To think or to wonder opens the mysteries of life, and our vision comes out again to the horizon, from the darkness of normality.
What do we laugh about? But joy enters the mind, but never cry, at any price for then the mind becomes void and tears will drown thought. Better to admit a feeling of defeat exists, and that is all, rather than to deny it and become a victim of defeat.
Impulse is the assurance of skills, the doing without the applause: a silence without doubt. A rising that rises not in a pretentious way , but in a way that captures that there abides an essential reason to be motivated. To pass the moment in a risen way to capture ones essence, with or without audience, though led by an inner non-caring: from one whisper to another, and past the shadow of ones doubt.
Writing and conceiving should banish affections, but thoughts evaporate, as if one takes the air of thoughts. And with this gravity of objectivity one sinks to the depths...and externally unraveling aesthetic distance.
Though distance, and intimacy is acted in a progressive cycle, for the objective will lead to the subjective, as all things tend to the familiars - over the years: noting that the cycle is not broken(from the collective unconsciousness) but a change in the objective will lead to an adjustment in the subjective.
The action of motivation in life is wasted if one only seeks through searching, but the traveller of life is the stillest, for then one feels the frames of this picture, or this movie called life. As one finds goals by slowing down the perception of life, to take the blur out of things, for it can feel likes a question that is appearing on a cardboard that is moved in many directions: but never still enough ever to see.
One has to wonder at what of us hesitates, and what succeeds in our everydayness. To recognise, what is behind the structure and formalities of it all. Do we just exist to serve ourselves, and what does define love? Why should we wonder, where does dare meet hope, and as we age, why do we look backwards? Where has all the humanity gone, why thus do we strive so hard.
The reason is haste, we challenge so much, or become too rough to feel life. We consume ourselves, and we doubt so much. One needs to climb, more in reflection then attitude, and to judge more in introspection. Though not to judge ourselves, but where our meaning for judgment does – blame, who is responsible, yet we see things going wrong all the time. We need to realise that it is the mind which rushes to conclusions, not us, nor do we sit in feelings. Maybe the mind likes to spin like a roundabout, but it is our conscious that is thrown from it, why do we try to still it? Nor is it us that slips to despair, but our feelings, and we ‘need’ to excite them, perhaps emotionally we are quiet creatures, we only need to rest the conscious onto itself , for it need not sit anywhere, as one may pretend to sit!
The imagination of the personal.- Perhaps a step towards ineffectual sentimentality, but freedom also lies in this direction.
If you accept freshness as a virtue - has any happiness felt dull? Though to desire or commit oneself to freshness in order to experience sanity one must learn to be the idiot, for one becomes madder than life, it is only then that one sees the sanity in life; though this defines teenage wondering, but freshness works better to find freedom, and here lies sanity: such is the path of saneness.
Leaders are wizards, and magicians that entertain.- When we are brought into this world, we do not bring ourselves to this world. We do not enter to find such a wardrobe in another life to enter, though rebirth is not a conscious act. So we chase, and as children we simply follow - no child guides.
Though some children may lead other children, but children find management in all forms, and it is something we continue in our lives. We reflect in this light, though this light be a living person or a ‘personal’ religion - nobody leads any light, only darkness. Leaders are there more to give an illusion of being born to lead, we merely seek to find purpose, but it is only our model that guides us.
So many answers we need, and we desire an earthly light, and we need fantasies of leadership, for parliamentary leaders are there to entertain. For political comfort belongs to entertainment. We reach for so much, and naturally choose the comfort givers as leaders, though how can any leader have a knowledge of the light when the lamp that brings light to the world is so dim.
The suitcase of life.- It is sympathetic to find much relief in determining methods to not go into the measures. It is as well more fun, to escape the depths of thinking, even in the procedure, but we merely do as we are told - especially when we suppose we do not. Even in complexity we find no depth; in such a method in complexity finds summary. Though switching subjects finds help also, and perhaps one can go back. It would be better to make the briefness of conversation brief and call it good manners, rather than to go beyond intimacy to soulmacy: and lives become briefs and of people who live in suitcases.
Our demands are many, and are impulses lead to self destructive habits, such are our thoughts. And being constructive is the advice naturally given, but the idea of constructive action is as wide open as life. How does one construct answers, if one was to construct one’s mind where would one begin? The reality is that being constructive could also be destructive, and destructive acts can lead one to appropriate reflection and reasoning direction as even destruction is constructed…
The more your desire increases even with the most purposeful of intentions, you may unearth that you will want it less in your hands.
We seek the old motivation in a renewed manner to move us to a new frontier as the past represents a sentimentality that can ignite a spirit. And hence one enchants simplicity in one's need for the essence, when the surface cause and influences leave us feeling vain; perhaps a light in one's perception is found to follow, but one is never heedless if one reaches for the steps with one's heart: we only risk blindness when our eyes influence the way.
If everybody had an asset for every disadvantage, existence would be in a stale mate. For example if a man contemplated a downfall in his life, he would query what would become of him, and in that sense he would doubt his destiny, whereas a person in a less obvious downfall would never enquire the meaning of their destiny, for it takes great storms for one to put such a paddle into one’s consciousness as to turn one’s consciousness to one’s destiny. Whereas a person of less obvious downfall may experience a downfall in also a less clear way, and lacks the motivator to look at their life with intuition.
We try so hard to divert ourselves, we amuse ourselves, and we also talk about what ever is on offer, but even to be motivated by life means one cannot be motivated by the life that one’s casual motivation comes from. As philosophy has developed in a unique way in history, and has been able to reference itself and still remain so independent, though always remaining with some casual cultural influences, it offers a better solution to motivate ourselves. For our casual motivation does not lead to one’s philosophy, as one’s motivation is independent from one’s happiness.
We wonder in our depths to see what remains (as we sink deeper) we try to allow a message to come from our inner perception, hoping a drive will come of it. But motivation is only a dress, or style of form. The method of finding a motivation of our desires represents a finding of style or dress for the desire, through a process of unwinding, or extending ourselves to our desires. For desires come out in mutilated form much too often, as we ‘will’ instead of ‘motivating’ our desire, as our desires lack any sense: we send our desires naked to the world, and we are surprised that our desires are fulfilled in such a perverse manner.
Thus our hearts be in motion as ripples are set, we are taken away, and passion grips with movement; yet it is the same world that has passed you by so many times. We require a catching of ourselves, as if our inner world is playing a ‘high drama’. We stay put where we are and consider a refusal to let go of anything which one has gained, but passion is not about doing but inner-doing, finding what requires us to work. Any slipping has to be noticed, for it takes only a small slip to fall – we only become more motivated when we do not fall.
Life just passes us by, and so it becomes and yet saturated with the habit of living, or the habit of doing what is required, or in another way - the habit of being limited, for not all talent comes with birth. The greatest miracle in the naturalist sense is that one can gain talent during one's life, though many close to the idea.
We create the frustration ourselves, and sometimes we give up, but this can be a good thing as then we may look at something in a different way, or try something else in an unnatural sense. We all try new things, and flirt with our perceptions of others and other things and being able to endure frustration could help one to express one's motivation.
The second question could be not how to be more motivated, but how to express, or release one's motivation? One must find a path that is not obvious, one needs contrast to express, and create good desire. Though the fulfilment of desire is not your purpose, but the purpose of the world. Nor is it Individually selfish for one appreciates others when the world appreciates oneself: as light is reflected.
Age and belief. - The desire for life and perhaps the deeper one goes towards life through the process of aging; does one become more of life being more in life? Where does one find the essence of life, but in one's passion and not in one's age?
Sensing that shadow that never leaves me – it ages too. With time also passing and leaving, but being aware of poverty of every sought resides on mother earth, and only one hope can lead as a nod for motivation, that one has become more of the light in this darkness: that one dares not to cut jokes from one’s heart.
Elegance requires modesty, to summarise something of significance, but it is also a part of the merit of things of significance.
The becoming of childhood towards later age is about the understanding that having problems and solutions not (of) a final absolution is the responsibility of sensibility.
The chance involved in accidents is always influenced by control of considerations that affect the stability of situations, but only the mind can be geared up well. Whereas the intoxication of ideas leads well in the dance of life, or the drama of the will; thus step are placed well.
Our limits must serve a purpose, as if to keep ourselves within certain limits. Though motivation does not necessarily mean being rootless to new ground, one should be motivated from what is around of oneself.
To explain is to confuse, because understanding is understood as an explanation, but explaining does not comfortably lead to understanding. As things are better explained when they are described – learning works through a reflection of the form of what is to be understood, and understanding is an end result in the process of learning: for pure learning has pure form, and pure understanding has no form.
Can we kindly accept everything unconditionally? Are we able in being kind to ourselves? Why cheat ourselves and create another illusion outside the illusion of reality.
We clearly obligate to necessitate our grandness to the skies, and as we were, as we become. To willingly follow downright truth, to trust truth at any cost, to elude common sense, but to embark the best of oneself, and to reflect recent fears to hopes of real glorification without egoation.
The daydream of motivation, the screen kiss only motivates a kiss.- When we are entertained without a desire of honesty, we are generally amused and we do not want to go below the facade, though many mystify technicalities with depth or even fashion with a vague idea of depth in a collective consciousness. Though many are motivated by distraction, it is a colourful move with energy, though with no cause, as many young children may put on an act; entertainment motivates by motivating others to entertain: one goes off the deep tracks and these other tracks lead only to motivate another to help another but not to help any person. Hence some investigate for motivation which may not be compelling, seeking a motivation with pathos: where energy finds secret tracks to the surface.
We are all born in the heart of stimulus, so absolute boredom cannot exist; for one is not emptiness in itself. Though many feel a deep, and even rigid boredom – they may feel like dust, that the psyche is not a object in itself, but it is the experience of the soul in the body that is the void. The inward nature has to be drawn not to the experience of the soul in the body, but to the perception or colour of the soul. For to connect to the soul means nothing if one only touches it, one also has to incorporate with it.
On simple motivation.- The financial prerogative gives a physical drive for success, and one has personal ambition, but this is not self motivation but more a motivation that is based on comparison; many who seek solace concerning their security can cause insecurity. To plan out ambition may lead to the collapse of one’s plans in the lanes that make life worth living.
Honest motivation has to go beyond what is convenient and be proper to one’s sense of purpose in existence. Though motivation has to be observed as being different from the purpose of life, for that is how motivation stays honest. For honest motivation motivates in all things, it is a sensing that all is not vain whether in pain or pleasure, or loss and faith.
The necessity is not the prerogative of a motivated spirit, or being motivated to fill oneself with life easily impresses but it belongs more to the social learning for life rather than motivation, as in the long term it can only lead to an emptying in oneself if the hunger for the feeling of life is used for motivation.
The risking of life is a necessity for it.- For purpose is not given to oneself simply to protect it, but life stands in nature, we all live too much in the wonder of our mortality. But the more we risk the more we can gain, not to play poker with life, but to be the cards in the game, and to allow life to play poker with us. We are fragile, our skin is soft, and here we find motivation in the most unlikely of places; to give permission to life to put us where she likes: in such quietness we find acceptance, and to be content with one's shadow, as delicate and unnerving as it may be.
Many things provoke us, as do insights into a matter which can help the bloom of a thing to be kept. Also penetrations create directions that follow away from stereo-typical paths, which tend to lead to another world of stereo-typical behaviors. The Grand Illusion is also the Grand Generalization, without details one fades into life, though one may call it what one wants, age; though many welcome the excuse. We must necessitate a Grand Prompt to a greater reality, for artificiality is expressed with purpose in Art, than in life. One has to wonder, that the most general personality is probably the most complex, whereas one who digs for insights, and glimpses the sublime in the horizon, makes openness from the detail, and hence one belongs, to a place, not just a home of the drama, without the facade.
Theories can become over imaginable, and for this reason they can break the waves that come of boredom to our shores, of moods and feelings of melancholy. Such is the abstract speculation of it, wrong or right, but the need for theories is not about validating them at the expense of resources, but through the process, it is the exercise. One simply swings if one does not theorise, one has to adopt one’s ideas to theories, though with systematic theorising between different ideas, one increases the validity of the theory.
Relationships and motivation.- Many couples are motivated by their own negation of themselves and not necessarily due to the pleasure of the other. As the pleasure of another cannot take the pain away of oneself. But can one become more without the fear of being less, what does one wonder at such a crowd that calls itself the family, or all crowds.
Though the purpose of being a ‘couple’ objectively is the continuation of the species, but the subjective purpose cannot be so outwardly, and has to be a surface to oneself. Does the status, personality, or the look motivate oneself, one needs to feel also the void in the other, and then one is motivated by the void. The principle of sociality has to be based on finding the void in oneself, but not to resolve it: nevertheless it is to find the essence of the void in the problematic sense, and here lies the purpose of being social, or why one should talk to another.
There is the endless infinity in the sentence; we are crippled though by the magnitude of the stress, and change of the pace of things. Yet we restrict our interactions with others to simplicity, and of the many directions in communicating we become lost, following a constant forwarding and retreating. Trapped in the loops of life, freeing ourselves to only enter another loop, with distraction in the background of distraction, yet in such a glaciaire where the motivator exists as a problem with reason.
Philosophy justifies and drives thinking.- There are many who are led lowly by sense and sensibility, but as all such things are relative; even a shallow being can feel a sense of going to endless depths, without really going past the shallowness. Such people are emotionally sincere and honest in the representation and presentation of this; one has to be motivated often; so as not to allude oneself. The trick is never to be content with the depths one has passed, and why should not a good past go on, without any final solution or final damnation: but by not finding a conclusive answer or one should not desire comfort, or a feeling of exhaustion to what is sensible.
In the stony silence when we can sense our stillest thoughts, one may wonder that even these suffer the same chaos as our ‘swinging‘ thoughts; though all religious and spiritual philosophy gives greater value to silent thinking, and even frank discussion.
In the silence when we can sense our stillest thoughts, do we forget or remember more? It is in our most rare moments that we consider as if we had no history. If our peace rests in thoughts - faster thinking covers more ground: peace is better achieved through thinking, instead of feeling.
Soul dressing.- It is in our necessity and obligation, or drive that needs to respond to the erratic narrative of life, within its’ corridors of depth and greater depth. To surrender to this obligation – to bow to life, and what rain of reason it feeds on; though some ideas will grow in deserts.
The pain of life is not pain, for pain is reaction towards the existence of life, it desires that it can lose itself into the living process. Though one has to wonder and sometimes to move one’s gaze away from the soreness towards the wonder of life, as here lies much zest to add to one’s stimulus. One does not desire to be more than life, for one also becomes less than life: one does desire a straight road to one’s heart, and in it perhaps bridges need mending.
Though another wonder would be desire, or pure desire; the desire behind all desires, the first cause of all affirmations. Can one be so close to one’s heart, to move thoughts with its beats, alas the pure desire, which is stripped of understanding – for this is what it means to connect oneself to one’s heart.
Mental armor.- Too many questions, but expansion is a part of the joy of life, as a record played too often becomes scratched. Answers are a jig of hopes; one wants possibilities and other roads, to open the inward outwardly. Instead everything seems to clash in the day, too many comparisons leaves us dry, too many questions gives the day a desert landscape, yet the whole life mass continues (the great river of cause and effect) of shadow, moisture and walls. The cause and effect is also the question and answer, better to be a mist instead of a boat in this sea of life.
The tower of absolute reason.- Reason, is human reason, as our brains are of a type, therefore it follows that different species will have a different kinds of reason; we can expand our idea of reason… we are crippled by intentions, as the cause of reason, as intentions are limited by our reasoning; reasoning requires a march, or a more fluid kind of thinking, for there are different ways to put words together, or images.
The typical build on reason is putting words or images on top of each, and as the tower becomes higher we are prompted to act on that reason. One can improve one’s reasoning by putting words or images horizontally, and decide which word or image is the best, and slowly creates a tower of absolute reason.
The world being as vice and represented by victim values.- One desires an understanding beyond the colours of life, beyond the give and take of mono (or money) values as motivation, for in this layer all victims live. In reasonable passion lies meaning, and reasons motivate using their meanings, thus is positive motivation represented, though fear is of the victim, as negative motivation: one is forced to the surface and into the world being represented by cost and jealousy.
The fog of life; one follows one's given road, but it is hard to follow. The irony is that depth (as represented by a sea in one's mind leads to a greater consciousness, one finds more reasons to live) clears the way with blue skies. And 'this' path one finds in higher consciousness calls itself the silent wind and one is in wonder at the soul of 'this' path, as representation of our will to live.
One has to open one’s sphere to the wonder of day and night. The subjectivity of ourselves, the moon and of the sun, that relationship, though the objectivity of it is the run of the mill: one has a duty to extend one’s compliment to the harmonics of these three bodies.
Are these thoughts with interest? Do they have a palette for modern minds? Only if one allows life in with its sense of meaning, all it's shadows: the reality of life.
Aesthetic friction.- Why be so critical with the spirit, when the will decides what is possible, but the wind that blows the will is connected to the spirit of the person, right or wrong. But if life is negative, the normality of the world is a world of deception, greed and delusion; one has to accept the world. Perhaps it is more positive to be negative in a negative world, whether in a spiritual or non-spiritual way, for there is no heaven now on earth. Either evolution has failed us, or the idea of evolution has betrayed itself, or perhaps the feeling of life has become old itself. Life does demand a high act of treason to such a world, a desert to cross, to achieve a moral dignity.
The more intellectual a person becomes the more complex patterns emerge in their mind’s domain, though these abstractions are not reliant on the person’s intelligence, but they refer to a stronger mental focus, or gain.
This life, and our promise to life, made when we first glimpse this world, not just an act of birth? But a new dress gives us this life in a physical reality, and allows a spirited expression in a new dimension. And in this reality, in this world of crime, and moral delusion we desire escape, as if a path exists through wealth, but luxury makes us vain and shallow, we simply desire to run but not from ourselves, until we accept the actuality of life: to confess it, not to know thyself, for the atmosphere of the world distracts us, but to admit there is a crisis on earth – thus, the answer is the confession.
If wishes and prayers were all answered, we would not be able to live with any peace; it is with good reason that only a few are granted.
Distractions force reflections of different perspectives, one does not resist, for distractions distil us; it teaches that the process of life is about subtraction, and not addition. One has to distil oneself, for in one’s essence one connects back to one’s spiritual sense: one may anticipate erosion, but one gains.
Jealousy is that inner upheaval that is never admitted, for one is the last to know, one masters the self-lie, as all jealousies are created through the self-lie - the dismissal of the soul to the body, whereas limits create comfort. Though light jealousy can be admitted, and what can be admitted can be faced, one wonders with a long steer and one can steer one’s boat to a safer haven.
Being lowly is being light.- Every grandness has an opposing force.
Hope is always temporary, for if it was permanent it would not be hope but despair; for this case all despair is born from hopes.
Modern life can go so many ways, as prospects appear there for the seizing, though the simple path still brings much relief; with a stronger pathos, but minimalism is it’s danger.
Justified intelligence.- Intelligence brings oneself light, as ignorance can lead to darkness, but too much information can blind oneself though it is the light that guides at cross-roads. There is an art in knowing and not knowing things, and this is absolute justification, which is beyond personal justification.
The whip does not lead, but one may jump. One may reflect what sign is fear hinting, what turning is required? For one can wonder too much, but it is the ‘casual’ first step, that draws one to the last step. All fears must be resolved before one can be motivated in a real sense of functionality for fear leads in earnest and one may slip.
Delusions of grandeur, are origins of the most widespread fears, as they create very expectant hopes. A good hope maker must not jump steps.
How does one offer survival to an idea, but by giving good attention to it, but what is good attention but being in good mood, the interaction of a subjective interest, with an objective interest. For a good mood requires a good subject of interest: a healthy inward to outer relationship.
Plane or glider.- Tiredness can give a sense of purpose, one must try to get tired in one way or the other; for one must build motivation with blocks of interest.
When all doubts have been answered, and all questions put to rest, it is here that one submits to life like a child, but not before this happens.
Quests of motivation.- Accuracy and perceiving go hand in hand, one needs accuracy for this affects one’s seeing in life. One improves accuracy in life by becoming more perceptual, which is a way to observe through oneself, and simply not through one’s eyes. Then emerges a good will, and then with a profound simplicity one can find that path. With peace one learns to walk along this new path, for all paths have purpose, but it is the path that has purpose for oneself that is needed: it is a quest that determines one’s perception, and all quests first seek for the horizon.
Distance between past sentimentalities and hope.- One needs an inner perspective for a ‘rich’ mindscape as claustrophobic thinking does not prompt oneself to life. Henceforth the belief in one’s struggle, as if one is always in a passionate light is wanted to feel assured with mental sincerity, which is lost with ‘positive thinking’: though if one be the only one, let it be…but one’s tasks will always stand in front of oneself…though one’s tasks must first stand behind of oneself.
Open thy eyes, and persist in the understanding that reveals the night to be of texture.- There is a measure of things that are hidden, and there is pleasure in how they are revealed, or brought to the light. Hence we accept, the darkness and lightness, for the shades can intoxicate life, and too much light can blind oneself to life and the experience of passing time, or the measure of things. The eyes thus adjust to the nature of the darkness of the world; though many close their eyes to the darkness, and simply forget that their eyes are closed.