


Life will always desire meaning, even in its lowest form, the cell - it will reach for something, consider an ant, which direction does it move? Though the bigger the organism, movement is not so simple, one moves in one direction in order to gain more freedom in another direction...


The feeling or passion inside one's self is the strength of their destiny, and the will is a vice as a means to an end...passion drifts through one's styles in optimal format.


After the harvest of private depths, new seeds blossom; the hypocrisy of youth of ignorance is swept and the force of fire is felt with a blossoming power.- As we become older our passion slips, but the veil slowly is blown by the wind of age. As the veil of ignorance slips we desire to be gripped by the reality of life, for experience teaches us to look again. The sun sets in our hearts, our privacy blossoms to our public portrait, as the innocence of beauty is born from the passion of the heart (for the breeze of life can also awaken us).


True passion never decays, it approaches to one's door as a stranger, the stranger enters, after reflections in private atmospheres. With passion one never crawls, a person is their passion, but a will to power is a steady boat in an emotionally confused storm: the adult becomes the heart child, thus the stranger whispers.


Passion is the feeling of the soul that unites our thinking to our feeling – its feeling is the proof of this. When felt one seems to experience a time which senses many experiences from the past, though not sentimental, from the present, but not corrupt – one is ready to dive into the future as if it were a lake.


Meeting the sun halve way.- It is not by the will that we extend our activities; our identity helps us to meet life. The identity of a person wakes up the person not through the will, but as a bath, or shower wake us up, it freshens the soul, another day becomes a new day. The identity seduces us into a washed perception; the identity does this by washing the dust on the same old perception, we rarely know our perception, as our perception is a filter, which allows us to simplify life, we do not know our perception in its pure form as it quickly becomes lost to us in the dust of the day, and its intereactions with other perceptions.

Another way of passing through life is a will, but one cannot create a will without a destined place or purpose, but many have a purpose, or proposition without a will or true road to it.


Being in peace should be reflected to one's tolerance to oneself - one should find a peace that seeds an anti-violence philosophy: there are many different forms of peace, but the act of violence is only of one kind with varying degrees.

Aphorism 448 comes from this post, I made in my IPL blog.


Play has no direct purpose, but to lighten up our purpose: it is how we reason with our ‘what ifs' and perhaps because we are stirred. Through play we call into play other forces, and find solace, comfort, and contentment within ourselves. Hence we further ourselves beyond generalizations, as we have learned to accept feelings such as acceptance, and ignore the multiple interplay of sub-current feelings which reflect us in our inner glow.


On the love of a couple.- The passion between a man and a woman may not be love, but of a basic erotic feeling in nature. Though the understanding of the erotic varies from the East where it is seen as an objective erotic which favors proposed marriages, whereas in the West the erotic is favored in a subjective form, based on a deeper value on the romantic sensuality of the relationship: only passion can join lovers, for destiny control’s ones wealth.


The existence of passion is important because it so expressive of the souls want. It is of good custom to realize the unconscious currents that lie under our everyday feelings. A good distraction works only so well, but distractions have a hope, in rebounding us to a place we fear to go - we may commit to a sacrifice.


A couple of steps back, please.- Our basic dimension is not our present reality, as we lay in so many hidden colours, identity is layered with identity as a rubbish tip, but so used we are to the condition we betray ourselves and feel so satisfied. Passion is a path that starts when our reason stops, for our reason is limited for it lies within the parameters of the illusion of our realities. Nevertheless, passion is the question that cannot be felt; it is purely the feeling of movement inside of us, the part of us that remembers the way back, which places markers in our journey.

Therefore, what is the most basic reality? The place where we sit and say; ‘This is it? Though I do not know what it is?' The most basic reality, the spiritual realm, when our consciousness lays down on our own bed, it rests like a child: the still reality beckons.


Passion is not the energy of oneself, or even a sublime energy; as it stands here in this context: passion is the nature of one’s energy – one only needs passion if one has passion. For the nature of one’s being is gripped, life flows, but one needs to defy the naturalness of doing things in the day to get by. I think therefore I am, but what is one, if one creates a life through thought, one simply becomes a reflection of one’s thoughts. I exist, because I sense a purpose in the pathos of my density of energy...for it is the nature of an energy that creates a particular kind of energy. And one finds a flow through the day that defies naturalness...


One has to ask the question, what is the question? If the answer is the passion of being, what is the question?


The purpose of individuality is to lose oneself of individuality.- Individuality is a natural state of growth, which has been made as a selfish device for personal growth. For we live in societies and not in caves, though friendship favors individuality, the union and partnership between two people - the will to individuality loses it's momentum and turns into a collective individualism, or an extended individualism out of which families are born. Where the extended consciousness becomes greater than the sum of the two individual consciousnesses of the relationship of a couple. The individual spirit is ever growing, but is never nurtured - as a couple one gains the extended consciouses, which does not grow and is dependent on the individualities of the two people of the couple. By choosing marriage early, one can only have a very limited extended consciousness, without allowing individual consciousness to rise. For if an individuality has not really bloomed, perhaps one is confused by the fires of the sexual drive - how can such a marriage blossom, no matter how perfect the other person is?


True passion is never felt, for one becomes the passion.- The objectivity of passion is to have a will in life – one desires a certain relationship with truth, one simply follows this old stream. Though the weakest paths have the least objection in reality, but the true face towards life is lost. Passion is a method of dealing with natural resistance to a life interweaved with truth: generating the confidence that confides a depth like destiny. One has to realise that true passion also needs a deeper confidence; rather than a volume of confidence but a confidence of pathos.


The desire for seriousness is only a perception of a helpful attitude; forced seriousness leads to a forced perception, which only strengthens the vagueness of life. In desired seriousness one reads the lines so well, and is also tripped too by these lines. In seriousness one does not understand in a serious way, for if one is being seriousness, how can one be more? It is only in an opened state that holds what is true to oneself can one be serious, but being serious does not mean that one is serious, for either one is serious or one does something seriously.

The seriousness of the film Citizen Kane was made not from seriousness:

Seriousness is the only refuge of the shallow.
Oscar Wilde


The nature of passion.- Niether belonging to our feeling, or thinking world. But passion appears to be the source of our thoughts and feelings - our unnoticed self, but the first cause of our wakeful nature where the duality of thought and feeling are one, but is niether. Ever guiding through intuition, its reason is reason enough.


Passion is our live or perhaps soul battery, it is also related to beliefs. But what is truth, and how is it related to passion? Non truth gives very quickly, and one's lust is content to see a result, but it is due to the desire for a result, or living with short-term excitement: one is too efficient in life. Real truth is not efficient, it takes as much time as it takes, for either one gives a thing the time, or one does not: the proof is one's passion, or how it is ignored...One goes home and away, but when that something is felt with true passion: a pathos of suffering is felt.


Passion is about destination, and the path to the destination, it is also about knowledge, or the process of the path. To be passionate one must be seeing from within, not distracted - but destined one projects the internal light into the darkness... and another destination creates another destination.


Unique paths in life.- One seeks without desire to find anything, hoping for an insight into a subterranean pathos: our uniqueness may the key to unlock ourselves. Such and such flows our way, what is close becomes distance, and distant things become close. For our lives are built on roads we cannot see, one goes one way, but different roads have different relationships between cause and effect; a unique relationship between cause and effect...


One gathers much from the world, but to seek is not to find. When one becomes still, one is seeked.


We define happiness as no change.- An overpowering wave of passion crashes on an edgy shore of rocks; in the wayward distance a muted light comes from the foggy atmosphere of a lighthouse. Some ships turn away, but this is how life resides around of us - unnatural, and unwelcome. One looks from another view in the ship, thus as wisdom is related to one's view of life, or perspective of life also is altered, and as wisdom changes the truth also changes. One meets risks in life during the storm to free oneself from shackles that press risk in later weeks.


Business can exploit people, but ambition can exploit its own emotions. One should not complain of the dullness of the senses if the spirit is not sustained. Ultimately it is the dulling of the senses that angle to repressed emotions, hence the psychologist becomes the fisherman, fishing in the waters of the consciousness seeking such repressions.


The grip of the heart is dainty in the eyes of a lover, passion leads to a firmer grip of the heart, the inner turnings of life. The souls interface which is the medium between our inner senses and the sensual universe, it is this kind of consciousness. Sometimes it is as if the soul desires to leave the body, as one may escape a prison, thus death may salute oneself - the vices are the tools that life itself uses, making us rust.


Passion is the enemy of simple living, but simple living is the enemy of life.- Passion is about the forfeit of the heart to all things, though one does not bow but it is about raising oneself. To accept all things, to meet the fear of living is to keep things complex, as dead ends follow simple paths, as with greater possibilities comes passion. With simple building; one may build a pyramid - though one can do nothing more at the top of the pyramid. Passion is about possibilities, the possibility of a path in the infinity, here we have slow growth, and slow healing with greater possibilities, though what is the point of living simply if one goes to a dead end in life.


The science of passion is the forgetting of ambition.- In the sensitivity of the soul, is the silence of passion; the quiet giver that also takes. Passion is the heart of patience – thus are steps guided from the present, not to fall in the pits of the darkness of the future, but applied to the politeness of the lightness of the future.


We are always thinking the wrong thing.


Bravery can only be found within battle, and anxiety with friends.


Our doubts question our beliefs.


Confusion is an ally if decision making is a skill.


If heaven is too predictable it is boredom with silver and gold decorations.


The further one thinks the more one demands of oneself.


A study in passion only desires the accuracy and honesty behind the sensations that we feel in life.


The sensation, and the cause.- What we feel is not our emotions, but the sensations of our emotions. The sensation of ourselves is the derivative of our emotions. Passion is the actual feeling of our emotions without the sensations which are the derivatives of our emotions.

One may contemplate that these sensations would lead to the actual internal emotions, which truly represent our holy emotive presence in life. Our religious activities in life connect to this part of ourselves, and as the sensations are caused by the body, they are a derivative of our passion, and not really a version of our passion. With these sensations we lose the aesthetics of our true feelings, they are a purity of feeling because they exist without sensation.

As music is the sensation, even the written music, or the Raga in Indian music is all still the sensation and not the pure expression. The pure expression cannot be found in music, unless the sensation is changed, and adopted from the original pure feeling. A guitar brings out a sound, as the body brings out a true pure feeling making in into a sensation of our selves.

Though different guitars like different bodies have different sensations, with these feelings of sensations we lose the accuracy of the expression. Many people have recognised that certain feelings expressed by a couple in a heated argument may not be true, but still be valid. True intimacy has to go beyond sensations, to become a collective passion.


The sensations of the body are like a well made carpet that stimulate the senses, but look underneath the carpet to see past the patterns, and one will see the passion.
A tired body will see all feelings as tired, a corrupt body will see all things as corrupt, and an awakened body will see all things fresh. The body is a bad amplifier of feelings - most feelings are lost through the body: but through feelings we feel ourselves in life, and living is a feeling above everything else.


The unconscious is not where feelings come from, it simply is the place where certain feelings exists that we are not aware of, as we can be conscious of an experience, and we may later become unconscious of the experience. It is usually fear that drives feelings and experiences into the unconsciousness.


Anxiety is a fear (of the unknown) or the unknown effects of the influence of others that one does not want to be influenced by, or the people that one finds hard to look at.


If thoughts need to be known - feelings need to be felt. How does one feel?


Jealousy is like concentrated anger - one plays chess against oneself! Though if one wins against oneself, one will have harmed oneself.


Passion is the space between the heart and reason.


The anti-naturalist.- The temptation of the world is not the possibility of life (with its opportunities and ambitions) but the love for it. But the love of life has to become before the possibility of it, Rather than the usual day to day observation of not loving life because a reason for a love of life does not exist. Thus one can go against nature - the weed regrets not being a rose, but is ‘happy’.


Less than ten percent of life.- Life is not actually about competition, or winning and losing: living life is more about living.


Living with passion.- Livelihood is about being drawn to things, there is the gravity of the universe, of planets. There is also our private universe of things, and one must not try to stay, things are always moving to and thro. Not the gravity of mass, but the gravity of living. Living means one is a part of life, and things are always shifting in life. All living things are the tools of life, the tools which life uses to move things in life, thus our emotions are the servers of life; we cannot serve ourselves. Life is about things moving, perhaps elevated thoughts moving to consciousness, or a music record of the past, or to look at somebody’s expression.

One shifts with a smile of a thing from the past, a path to innocence, one looks up, and a path to another smile - a path to something authentic, then one has a slight smile, and this is a path to originality. Life is about living, but living has to feel original - the idea of living is that one is living, and not pretending to live. But more, living needs to feel authentic, one does not want to fake life for living is not about carrying influences, one must suffer from life; this is about being close to living.


One desires a space to unite fragments, and to move away from the idea of coming closer or further from things. One needs to be in all things and outside of all things – one exists relative to nothing. I simply need what I need, but passion is for more things, not less things – one feels less with less things – though the Buddhist way is to have less so to feel less, but there is also the idea of having more in a psychological way, to give oneself more through meditation. Even the religious idea of being related to the holy, in either spirit, divination or humidity is to have more: what passion just says is - what is more? And desire for more is less...


Cramped up and bottled up in life’s little games.- One desires a space to unite fragments: to move away from the idea of coming closer or further from things. One needs to be in all things and outside of all things – one exists relative to nothing.

Passion is the need of the spirit to move, it is the need to exist in a real way. Thus one asks why am I wrong, not why others are wrong – one affirms oneself without trickery – one is true to one’s spirit: and not drowned by the critical nature of things.

One absorbs, but one does not become a sponge. One reflects but does not become a mirror. One does not become a path of difficulty for others. Everything is simply as it is, one throws everything into the air without the desire for all things to descend into the right place, and one trusts the throwing of things into the air, nothing more and nothing less.

When one’s hands are tied to one’s back one carves one’s way. One can be too happy to be original in life. Thus what is living? I did notice a picture of a fashion model that appeared to come out of the page, she is living! So living is different for different people because they are different, what is living for one person may not be living to another person. To others, different things or places matter in life – it may not be about originality, or cutting a path through stone. Thus life connects to our essence, and the process is living. Though living is not the expression of the essence, for the process of life is not an artistic technique.


Things of shape came be sold more easily.- Where does the consciousness of passion lie? Where does the will of the consciousness reside? Passion is the force without form, though our bodies are with form. Perhaps even our souls have form, but passion has no form. It is the part of us without shape. Shape is connected with the eyes, but smoke has a more vague shape, though we can see it.

What is known is known, one cannot have passion meant for something that one knows. Though what is vague and partly unknown has a sense of it, and is more intriguing. To push boundaries helps us to feel passionate because then we explore what is known, and unknown to us.


Other people are other people, simply – more or less.- Passion also resembles the coming together of truth and emotion, between word and breath. The breath is the engine of the word, and the word is the consciousness of the mind. The word talks and extends itself to the world, and it is through error we grow, unless we have the luxury of small steps. All one needs is the light to ignite an explosive mixture of truth and emotion, and the simple truth that one who may help you today, may laugh at you tomorrow: one exerts pressure onto oneself to find out what the next step is?


Passion is the gravity of our emptiness, or humility, or sense of the spaces between.- There has to be a path, a direction – one has to make choices; I was told that our feelings come from our head, and our fears reside in our body - the moment to moment cause and effect of our feelings reactions to our immediate surroundings, like a pinball machine. So where does passion reside, if it belongs to our real feelings, it will reside in our heads, as it can be in our heads where our real feelings can be worked out, like a courtroom. Though happiness is also about seeing others, one does not want to see a dreadful man be happy, but who is happy, nor see a good man depressed – so I am responsible to the light of humanity, though is my darkness the shadow of such light! But I am not happy, my happiness has not developed – it is a picture that develops slowly, or a painting that waits for the right weather. Goodness in me is not recognised, as it is a goodness that is not relative to others, my goodness is ontological goodness: the pure goodness of the self, as being posed in the lightness and darkness of day.


The pure experience of living.- What happens when one does nothing, what is left – should not one experience being oneself... If one cannot experience oneself, than how can one really experience life? So does anybody really experience life, or is it a sensation of colours and sounds, and a sense of the aesthetic? The experience of life is about belonging to life, rather than feeling through life. Living means living in life, or belonging to life, does one belong to oneself? But does one belong to life or oneself, one is attached to life, one does not belong to oneself, one is detached from life - one belongs to oneself. Does one want to belong to oneself….one should neither belong to oneself or to life but to tune oneself to the point when attachment meets detachment?


The need for real movement in life has to parallel with some inner movement in life. Though passion does not connect one with movement in the world, but it is the Tao or way of movement: the essence of one’s movement in life. Though this does not represent the relationship of oneself with movement in life, but simply the nature of movement in life: even if one has a good path in life, one also has to consider one’s movement on the path, passion is the movement of the steering oar in life.


To fidget away; why is one oneself, or why type in darkness.-The nature of existence is to experience i.e. the passion of being, but what is the consciousness of experience. Though one will always be within the bias of being oneself, but being oneself is a healthy illusion of the loss of one’s reason to live, which is most odd, the time…aesthetic…the reason to believe in oneself…but every reason is exploited as super glue. Every thing that glitters behind the curtain is accused of being too good, whereas being good resides in the common imagination as the mud left by the rain, and not by the reason left by the struggle; which only goes against the idea of I AS ME, AS DOING THIS! Though everything need a reference point, no enemy wants to too defeat the enemy, as no illusion desires a reflection of it’s heart of consciousness as a will desires no substance over the distraction of the soil of it’s heart, or the will of it’s death, in the same way that shallowness causes a reflection that forgets about the reason of being oneself, and even the substance of living, and why one talks to others that are familiar, like being above the the call of one's duty.


Last year, next year and the now.- The vision of ourselves has to extend from ourselves, if our vision of ourselves comes outwardly, or more of the scheme of things; then the vision is not an extension of us but a lesser version of ourselves. Few change in their working life’s as if in a trance they eat, work, and play, and after many years they wonder why they are thinking the same thing. Though I am not against being of a faith, or not being of a faith, but a decade can slip away, without leaving an expression or hint of pathos on one’s face. Sure, one can control nothing outside of one’s own sphere: life can be controlled if one plans for it in the following year. So why is this, it is because life exists as certain conditions, and we live in these certain conditions – though control of these conditions is like trying to change the shape of something that has already solidified, but the reality of next year is open to control or influence, as the reality of next year is in a liquid form. As a child cries in simple frustration, also the parent hits the wall trying to change the solid present, better to direct the frustration to the next year: one is where one is because of last year.


Live today is what they say – but what is living in the moment, going with what is happening, but what is happening, you are listening, you are waiting, you are wondering about a partner etc – but why is this happening. The present always feels like a scene, as if it is an expression of the past, but past is past, better to think of the following year: this is against the common sense of the day, but what is the point of living in the present when the present is so much a juxtaposition of cause and effect!


A good retreat is advancement in strong humility.


The mind-stabber type person has political and popular charm.


The most defined thing can also be the most limiting thing.


It is often said to explain things is to understand these things, but better to understand things that one cannot explain.


On the two-option man, who is only less bored when he travels.- What is necessary differs from what is essential, as what may work, and what is probable to work, though many paths and possibilities exist between.


The vagueness of philosophy is its freedom.


The seed of silence.- Passion is not stillness or movement, but the essence of stillness and movement, where stillness is the same as movement. Nor is it silence, or noise, but it is where noise meets silence, when noise is similar to silence: passion is what the heart feels; it is not the etcetera living that many feel.


We need silence to meet ourselves, to take us out of the arena. For silence shows us the world is a reflection of ourselves. Though we also fear the world as a reflection of ourselves, in the arena the world is stripped of all its sensibilities, and the pathos of becoming is damned beyond belief. Though there is no satisfaction knowing that the world is a reflection of ourselves, for all we see in the mirror is the world!


Faith in life.- One desires experience, a pure experience of life. Thus one examines the nature of passion, for our experience of life is a reflection of our own passion. But if one is given such an experience of life, one also receives a faith of life. Many people argue about how can they have faith in life with so many confused arguments around locally and globally at the expense of people becoming refugees, but faith in life is about one’s own experience in life, and not about the knowledge of other’s in life. Whether one is going through a decrease or increase in their life, their experience of life would be the same; as the soul’s first expression of life, the passion or fragrance of itself would be the same. In the same way that people have faith in religion because of their experience of religion, one can further the pose in life by having faith in life. One can further one’s purpose in faith, by having faith in life as in well as in religion – for religion first exists in life before the personal faith emerges.


Passion is the yearning to seek a path in the stars, to bring the spirit of the heavens to earth. And to lower the shadows of the earth below, but also to sense where the stars and shadows meet, to have a simple sense of existing in harmony; many will find controversy or jealousy(see below) with this!

The nature of jealousy.- Though I have only felt jealousy once, I saw it as a compass to development. Though all were jealous of me, I decided that jealousy was an illusion, so I created an illusion of others being on my side, and this stopped other people from being jealous of me; to defeat one illusion with another illusion. I was once too high in the sense of others, but now I seem too low, by creating a friendly illusion with others - people were not able to bond their hate to me, but the fact is that if somebody was previously jealous of you they would also be the least likely to appreciate you, so from being too high I have become so low to others.

Shakespeare quote:

OTHELLO: O misery!

IAGO: Poor and content is rich and rich enough,
But riches fineless is as poor as winter
To him that ever fears he shall be poor.
Good heaven, the souls of all my tribe defend
From jealousy!


Nothing is old, or new including us, age is simply a different medium of expression: a palette of time and space with brushes expressing the pathos of experience.


Pure expression.- To express oneself in silence is to dissolve in life.


Charm is the radiance of the night, whereas passion is the glory of our sun.- The passion of love is the path of reason - the inner enotional workings: the wonderings of one's shadow, and the dust blown to one's face, or like the shadow of tiredness falling in the evening dew, such are the silent expresisons? There is the poison of charm one is cast in its spell and seduced to a retarded path, their conscience is closed towards pathos, but warmer to the effects and illusions of living; people have to return to that charm: it is an illusion creating an illusion, whereas passion moves not - it is born from silence, or a thing in itself.


One does not preach to the hangman, but one preaches to strangers; being is living if one serves oneself for being: it is necessary to live to be!


Why knowledge? It is interesting that the aesthetic leaves knowledge far behind, nor does peace of mind haste much for knowledge. But the realm of knowledge lies before, and beyond the aesthetic and harmonic tranquilities, if one desires proof of this - keep wondering, it is more about one’s comparison with others...the other person one walks past; the difference is knowledge.


Stupidity is normally confused with quiet contentment, and misfires. The truly stupid who lack contentment, may have more in material terms, and less in terms of wealth: but it is also our valuation of things that makes us wealthy - money cannot touch such a perception.


The advice that nobody tells us.- We are all vindicated to ask ourselves quietly, why do we exist: which direction does the wind of change sweep us today? But through creating loud aims, we lose the answer in the weather of our consciousness, for such an answer is always whispered, each day has an aim that is true to ourselves and independent of our reality – but leads deeper to our authenticity of belonging to life.


Take this life,
‘Free’ it is,
Fading words,
The grip of life!

Take this heart,
Wonder far,
Sail away,
Stream me to the sea.

Simply guide,
With ease,
Passionate soul,
To soul-reverb.

Nothing - hear,
Hear silence,
Far and wide,
From shore to shore.

Everything will vanish,
It will appear!
The many years,
Yet songs sound the same.

Fragrances enchant,
Love blossoms:
Follow away,
Prisons flower to prisms.

Forward marching-
One to three,
Griped with life,
Channel thoughts like mists.

Flow from me
Nights ear to me?


One must adapt to the strangeness of the world, for it can make one feel strange. Sometimes one must submit to everything, to bow down to everything. I simply exist, or my passion really exists because it is the emotional perception of this world.


It would be wise to focus on social individuality; so far I have concerned myself with individuality in the sense of self, or things of relative to the sense of self. One must find things of relative to the sense of others – this kind of individuality is called may lose one’s thoughts in a crowd?


Against natural determinism.- It is difficult to image eternity in life, though there many senses of eternity in life. An instance is cause and effect, effect is not something that follows, as determinism believes to dissimilar extents with angles. The primitive form of cause and effect in the natural environment is that of reaction, or reaction with pathos, such as response, but there is a near sea between no-reaction and reaction, between no-response and response. This sea is not a drop of water under a microscope, but many cause and effects of the subconscious, as memories can be hidden, there is also a near sea of hidden cause and effect in reacting, or responding to things.


Tell me here, what is written – simply an aphorism, or a quest for knowledge, or sublime answers, is it the passion of your ear, the realisation that answers belongs to no one, and everyone?


Five years ago she seemed to have a spark of purpose, but now grandmother seems to have no purpose, or direction, or angle on anything. As with extreme mental and physical disorders that seem to limit lives or the terminally ill, whereas one may feel so extended even with full mental and physical resources of living – their purpose must be hidden in their passion.


Raise one’s hand if one is here in life.- One has to glimpse beyond what is necessary, meaning to seek beyond what one is told to enquire, to oppose the direction that is suggested by the voices that only desire to be listened!

Why is one cautious to one’s mirror - for a mirror is a reflection of logic? There is no science to logic – it is because one wants to see the truth. The truth is only just under the narrative of one’s doings of life. The cause of life is too coarse, one’s reflection - the reflection of life – in the oneness of being; glimpsing the shadows of one’s direction and purpose in life in one’s feeling of others.


The aesthetics of nature is the atmosphere needed by nature to survive, it serves no purpose to us. We are not really drawn to aesthetics but the spirit of survival, or the effect of aesthetics; in this way we are also drawn to passion. For passion represents the atmosphere we need to survive, but it serves no purpose as music also does not serve a purpose: but purpose is more seen in the effects of music.


The senses must reach to the divine .- To wonder at the world….the wonderful life comes from a vital roughness (the see-saw of being able to work and the ability to move on in work) that cripples many so easily, with directions unknown, and tides of recessions that appear as if it dropped from a black hole! With sudden grasps of air after catching a glimpse of somebody with the banner “average morality”. What direction is life taking one to?

Also of the character there are unknown and hidden problems of sensitivity, roughness and hidden diseases. What is the nature of this reality that we live in? It is more than a feeling, but a substance of spirit whether it is a shallow stream or a river. This is one’s world, and the painting on one’s wall in the room of life’s perception is one’s morality. Thus it is not life that has decayed, but one’s morality; it is not one’s health that has decayed but one’s morality. The workplace has fights for virtues, as they can be tools or wands in living – there may even be a virtue that brings luck: one head thrusts itself against another head; the average morality is very thin indeed.

If the truth be allowed to flow from this vessel, it has to be written that the senses are the hands of the soul. The senses….our purpose has to extend beyond eating and sleeping (in different places)….the senses must reach to the divine, if life does not lift oneself, one has to lift oneself. One is always making the decision between the exalted high and the distorted low - almost a country beween them?


Life plainly exists, as it is the energy to connect to, one tunes oneself to life. People expecting life to think for them will search far for empathy with this for life being another person, though many project this view by naming it God. Two problems with this view are that God is outside of life, and the idea of living, and the second is that as God does not live in any sense that we do we are not capable of empathy with God. Anyway it is an illusion that life is alive, even suffering and pain are illusions, for they disappear when a certain realisation or lesson in life is found. It is true, countless are content, but aims are created by assumptions in one’s advantages and misfortunes: if one is content one must create new aims, and expand the horizons; but upwards also.


Artistic conditioning.- In such a world one cannot have organized expression if one is trying to express something so untidy i.e. if the expression is not intense, or nosy enough. On the other side of the level - if expression is too noisy, error in expression could result. If expression is not untidy one may have a fear of life becoming chaotic, such people may be drawn to tidiness in their thinking or actions in an extreme way: messed-up world, but tidy expression.


In the sureness of the day, where pathos meets poetry one opens to the world (of reason) with attempts (in a visionary path) to distil oneself – hoping that such a distilled version of oneself can be known. Though when the world becomes still, it seeks also the same thing from me, to know itself, and to understand itself.


Low.- Being low, feeling low, but low in what context, of sensation, disposition or liveliness. Is happiness…. is it some kind of pleasing high representing a crystallization of positivism, or warmth of feeling, or a social life, is it ambition, or having more money? It may be the case of looking at a picture histogram of a good picture, which is low and high in the correct places, or as a song compressed in the right places to allow the harmonics to work. This a dodgy area, a girl said to me a couple of days ago; or are people low in this place because they have less money, and no jobs: such things however are essential for happiness, for they can make one’s shadows appear longer.


Personal reflections on terrorism.- Extremist terror groups are marginalized more by their beliefs, and concerns rather than springing from some hotpot of collective belief gone perverse. The reason why perspective is lost, is that extremists rely sometimes on terror; though many extremists do become purists. This relationship between puritans and terrorists, are the two extremes, but both involve sacrifice, whereas purists use sacrifice as a form of conditioning, whereas terrorists use and involve the sacrifice of others. But both of these extremes, are reactions to a certain cause, perhaps extremists are driven there by a view that the average person of their belief is too feeble, but this is no expressive soul reaction, but perhaps a reaction of anger and shame forged into a sword of hate!


Conversations 1

For you see, as I see that things do not follow a logical order, especially in love. You do see, for we are all lovers by default. One must approach these matters, not through logic, but to understand through creative channels.

One wonders how you talk, as if you know too many things and your senses have become blunted. As if you hide from your mind what you soul senses to be a better path.

It is not a crime to deceive. For is not deception an instrument, which can be used for manipulation, but also for good.

How you both think! You men....


Empathy is a material relationship, though the word derives from passion: as through empathy we seek our mirror rather than being an ear - the empathetic person is not the seeker of truth, but of the sameness of oneself in the world....Rejecting much in a derived conservative manner, a good ear hears all the spectrum of the other, but it is selfish to listen to only words that echoe one's mind.


What we deserve in life is not what we want, but neither is what we want in life our true steps in life: the course of life can feel like a snake with fangs.


Conversations 2


Relax; we do not think in order to gain confidence. We think in order to find out what we think about.


For it is possible to think, and to not know what one is thinking about.


It this not the way that the world spins, but not at a constant speed!


It is the way the ball bounces. One needs untruth as one needs truth. For what makes a person, is the ability to lose and find oneself, again and again. This is how the world really spins...can you not feel it’s motion underneath – are you drunk?


Though the conversation is not lacking....I am reminded about other things I must do.


You are correct in what you say so earnestly. But we have said enough and the mind can only go so far at a time.


One should not try to read life too much, one’s eyes look here and there, better to just understand the path ahead of oneself. Life can feel like a scribble from one side of the page to the other side, for the paths of others flow through vice or virtue, whether they celebrate their glory, or suffer from their vices and difficulties, such is the drama of life....or the temperament of living; as one is the sun of all one’s relationships and not the orbit of others.


Our old emotions seem to lag like a fog, from birth to our last few years. Though they can feel very interactive each day, and constantly asking questions....this must be an illusion, for these old emotions stand as the freshness of life, when my new emotions seem so stale.


Decay in a soul.- When the search for truth becomes the search for oneself, outside of truth. Such escapism is a vain lightness, without weight in a world; to enter a cartoon world does one not become a cartoon or caricature of one’s personality. Even though the size of one’s sea does not change, it can be unnoticed when the depth of this sea turns shallow. All people will desire truth, but many do not notice that they are not finding truth, but a validation of themselves: outside of truth....So they notice the lines of their faces, and ask am I getting older, or am I more pretty or handsome: but not noticing a lack of pathos in one’s expressions, that spell one is becoming a cartoon, or experiencing a loss of self, rather than a loss of age?


The hidden elite in society.- Snobbery is the virtue of self-esteem with short-cuts: faith without belief. The sense of wanting to be superior to others is also connected to self-esteem, but self-esteem in it's best form is harmony with others.


Conservations 3


We all lose ourselves in time, it is about the nature of ourselves and also the nature of time....for time brings us here to have this conversation, and it will also separate us to our separate ways!

Philosopher touches his mouth (with the second finger of the hand), as if to hide an expression.

Though we talk, this is not the aim of life. It is time for me to go, as we are well enough today: I will go as I come.

Philosopher writes at home a letter....

Dear life,

My day began slowly, but night waited patiently. This lover lacks the patience of discipline, but hides more secrets than I wish to know. Darkness is creeping, though it is not dark yet. What a strange drama I live in, in a tired mind ideas bloom. A day is an ocean.

Yours faithfully,

The winds of time

The philosopher drifts into sleep like an echo searching, who am I? The dream of the philosopher:

Across what is,
And moving with this,
Slowly but surely....
Through the vision of new memories-
Pictures as silent as the night,
Under the shadow of the moon.
Sssh be quiet, my thoughts turn to ice.
The coldness wakes my hidden resources,
Light leads from this ice to the sky,
Bright and far, and becomes a bird,
Seeking a place to land,
With confusion its wings fall from the sky.
Like a comet he falls and awakes!


Poem of Down

A falling star, sleeping as the moon;
The Pathos of falling.
Moving things with steel will.
Time, ‘the shadow of your smile’?
Money drives education down.
For many down becomes the noun,
For the light makes the darkness.


It was the nature of evil that virtues were not needed and that brute force was enough, but now evil has evolved; it fights for virtues with brute force. Though the nature of good is that virtues were fought for in the defence of other virtues, this had evolved from the idea that goodness was virtue: in antiquity the hero was something that represented a separation from what was wrong with the world. It is for this reason that evil has evolved in a way to attack and destroy the nature of the hero which represented also the essence of the representation of founders of religions, but now one hears of counterfeit religions....if battles exist they must exist on certain grounds?


A novel philosophy.- The forces of good and evil act upon people – if goodness is a derivative of positivity, then evil is a derivative of negativity. People are not aware of being good or evil, as they both are derivatives: sincerity built over a false sense of goodness, and validated through a social life.

Though the derivative of good and evil in a person will eventually become emotive, though it is not passion (which is a budding cause) but this second derivative is the force that is transferred between people and this creates drama in life, this is why (being a second derivative) it teaches nothing about life but it produces novels and stories which serve to pass time.


Few people look at themselves face to face (in the mirror of perception) even the most vulgar of people; if observed from a certain angle, will reveal a majestic opinion of their statue. Such is the weight of self-opinionated perceptions, if they ever touch the ground it will be like a comet: one needs much truth to look at oneself.


Conservations 4

From the spirit world, a demon is driven, to meet these thoughts – it appears before the thinker.


Who are you? How suddenly you appear! I know you are here, though I see nobody else in the room.


Why do your eyes want to see me – is not sight an illusion.... I travel here in pleasure, for only more pleasure, the devil’s game, I am a demon from your spirit world. A world which exists in your world, as a person’s spirit exists within um their thoughts.


I do not know your game,
But listen to me,
And widen your ears.
Do I speak in poetry or prose –
How do you define me?
Has my character become confused?
For am I not Faust?


Speak in prose, and not in poems or riddles. I know you are not Faust, but you desire to shine like Zarathustra. Look in my eyes, though you do not see me, and tell me what you see: open your eyes from within.


Tell me who is greater, Faust or Zarathustra?


But they do not exist, how can one be....


That is why I am named as I am named. For who is fooling you, is not fiction....fiction. Do not the characters lie when they are given names? Cannot drama be created out of conceptual characters.


Which way does your wind blow, what path do your eyes seek. Do you attack me or Faust?


Can you not see as far as I can see?


My nature is evil, which makes me limited. I desire to know about goodness, for is there not pleasure in knowing the truth. Please continue as you do....


Are not the lies people put in drama confused riddles. Why cannot stories be stories? Why cannot reality express itself more through reality?


I do not understand you, but I doubt if any angel could. Listen to me, listen deep. What I say is beyond evil, this comes from the mouth of an inspired demon who seeks depth in reality. I was attracted to you through desire of pleasure....some sort of inspiration is altering me.


That social life.- As if acting is greater than being, people refuse to shift. One may prefer to persuade others that one is something who one is not, that one is a good soul - to control the perceptions of others one forges a perception of oneself, some people see this as a distant aim.... Thus there is the con man, deceiving a person of their money and the social parasite who deceives social need for personal need.


In essence, nobody knows why the heart hungers, what is a man or woman – nobody knows, what is one to do in the day – nobody really knows? Even passion is no answer, perhaps one is not a question? Perhaps the soul exists as the spider in the web, one knows it is there in the shed in the garden: it is a question of being, and not doing – if it is of doing, one moves back to why the heart hungers, or the nature of one’s desire to travel!


Conversations 5
Before the thinker the Demon was no more in a demonic sense, and was visible. The philosopher was anxious for answers, for meaning that would shelter him from the rain of reality.


Before me – demon, you have materialised before me.


Let visions come to me, halleluiah. This is no miracle but such can happen from expression born from skill, and innocent sincerity. Dear guru, I have been baptised by wisdom.


Though you stand well with gravity – people will come and reject your power of craft. But this is this world – I want to know of hell!


What are such words, how can they be said. For heaven is an illusion as hell. You see, for a demon reality is hell, and to an angel of light, is not their reality of Heavenly bliss. Thus my kind one, are not heaven and hell created from reality.


Are these words not from a transformed liar! What I feel that you are saying is that when one is unhappy, or low spirited you are in your hell. Also if you be passionate – you are happy in heaven.


Who else could inspire such ideas of glory, the ones that surround you!


One has to live in hell and heaven. For darkness is the heat of passion, and light is the wisdom of truth. What does lie in the essence between birth and death?


The answer is disappointment, for if there is an answer to the meaning of life, the answer would lead to another question: the riddle of the answer is the riddle of the question.


If there is no answer, how can I balance the scale of consciousness?


One can balance it with the idea of eternal recurrence. For the solution to the greatest problem is not the greatest answer, but the greatest idea. You are a cosmic dancer; we step in and out of reality. Is there joy in repetition!


If I am a hallucination than I am your fear of hell – your invention!


Where life ceases one must invent life!


Pathos of will to inspire to rise: people tend to encourage you to progress when they have reached a certain standard, but when you go near or beyond their limit, a poor sincerity emerges: one should desire others to excel themselves (whether it be above oneself or not) – but to will it is a passion of sincerity.


The wind vale.- If something has an ending one must set sail there irrespective of the winds blowing, also irrespective of where the winds comes from. For all have to follow the rules of life, though they may appear in a suit of authority, as authority wears high heels! If something does not have an ending, one must set sail to the winds, especially the inner winds and the winds of change....continue....though to decorate is not to continue.


The equation of love.- Constantly adjusting values, creating and destroying: each day offers such doors. On does not need a creative atmosphere for such evaluations, it is the will to will. Like a sculpture one becomes art, an expression of a living being. Though all is merely nature, and our inventions all come back to nature. Even our romantic love, is simply about how to make each others values add up, such is the equation of love, it is also the equation of nature.


One has to argue with the necessity of guidelines, the substance and angle of the soul – for passion is the only true guideline: that can lead the soul as a plane’s path is seen lighted in the air in the night. Though art, culture and law give guidelines though claimed and caged in citizenship, perhaps belonging to a nation, though not belonging to oneself, as an intruder one lives one’s life....and in the distant horizon, seeing a never land: the action of being in the nationality of the self: confusing the self between possibility and impossibility.


False humanism, a love for ideas about civilisation, and modern living, as with false romance, a love of ideas about femininity or masculinity.


Integrity deserves (and needs) a little luxury.- Everyday acts of evil use the nature of misunderstanding; it claims not to really mean whatever it actually means. The burden of passion is why most lose their way, but the path of justification is numerous, contrast this to the path of losing one’s way which is only one nameless path: it is something else to lose oneself on a path, rather than to lose oneself on no path, except the path of the will!


One thinks so much to stop thinking.- With passion we feel our lives, for we cannot see our lives, we simply see what we see. Like the blind, one has one’s hands stretched, and senses directions - for all eyes are blind to the nature and substance of their lives: to let go, as if life were a stream.


When the will is weak, one is not close to the will; it may suggest a perceptive weakness, or a desire for security, instead of a drive for it. When the will is weak, the fire is lost in us, lost in one’s created dimension....



Too far from the stars, and too close to the moon

To wish and dream,
As things are as they appear.

Of wealth of mind,
All complexities in focus.

The fog of necessity drifts closer,
In a way like motion.

Like freedom breaking chains,
Like a forbidden truth being found.

Oh, let it all drift away,
For the wind blows hard.

Things need little aid to crawl,
Scattered thoughts like broken glass.

Things collide, and motion moves,
But I follow words that do not drift?

Suffer, like a delayed judgement?
When words come slow.


Sometimes the sun glows philosophically for philosophy is also a method of expression – expression becomes reason....sink to equations, but equations are foundations in disguise. The young should be like questions, but they believe themselves to be answers - (but many drums are banging) early mistakes can be embarrassing, and creating is only a part of the cycle of construction, which is only part of the cycle of love, to believe in love is to believe in ‘reaping what one sows’.


Perhaps in spring or autumn I will be my sign post.- It is the driving force of want and need that makes us who we are; the vices are hidden in want and need, it is written even on the expressions of the young. Though youthful people who are new to life, see every cliché as a moment of truth, but the truth is that one will die as one has witnessed the death of can be reduced to a blur.


A tree without leaves.- The temperature drops with a quickening of the heart, with courage and passion I sense that I desire a freedom from the values of culture. Leaves fall like forgetting character labels, as it is circumstances that bring people together. Answers may come with the fire of enlightenment, but question marks (?) symbolise the rain, for the symbol of the question mark, is a combination of an exclamation mark, and one bracket, which suggests a certain kind of search like the honest expression of a tree without leaves (? = ()+!)).


We are everything in the sense that we have enough of the known, and the unknown in us. The sense of life is to find sense in it, and our instincts come into it; enough to make our blood boil.

Looking at the colour white, such as a ceiling can resolve much – for it provides a blank sheet for one’s reflections concerning the mind. Whereas emotions desire connection, as if our bodies were a hard-wired device! Consequently, only objects sustain perfect relationships, like a chimney and fire place. To store more and sentimental longing will reach us less often as in a camel, which can carry the soul over the desert that the day can be: for cultural mistakes could exist?


Fire does burn, but it produces light.- It is only through the neutral understanding of good, and evil that one learns how to shine. For the nature of fire is of burning, as the senses are to the intellect, even the passion of the soul is a derivative of fire, a spiritual or humid lightness: the only true metaphor of fire.


Belief and personality.- We deceive ourselves into wanting the image which we sense or imaginatively convinces us our personality fits into: but what we put in our personality changes our personality, unless it is already there in a derivative or original form – of it....


Perception of subjective weakness.- The vanity of one’s life has to be admitted to an accuracy that extends from one’s normal accuracy to an unprecedented level. The path from emotional chaos to emotional order is the path of link up the concrete experiences with what we know and be aware of one’s consciousness. Our subjective weakness is buried in feelings, but feelings are free from evaluations and meaning; they cannot be simply worked out, our feelings and fears follow convention rules of energy, and not an intellectual doctrine – drift on.


Your conditions of existence are your conditions of being.- Transitions are intermediate like crayons on paper, for they can be washed. Like we are, and want to be, like folded perception. So see the fraction like the wave of what is, like thoughtful thought like time used to be. Though the freshness dies, so let it disappear into nothingness.... our shadow awakes, and perhaps one may not feel like a shadow: but if one feels like a shadow one will not know it.



The old can have fresh expressions,
As youth can have old expressions.
Watch the embrace of old shadows-
Does isolation creep one into submission,
Like a fear of averageness, and rejection.
A strategy of expansion, to sense life.


If there is no absolute truth, and we are made in the image of God, what do these two things tell you when combined together? First if morality is subjective to God, then it is subjective to us, because we are all in a play where one is held responsible to weigh truth and morality according to one’s varying situations within the play.


Forgetting and remembering may be the dance of the consciousness, but what really makes us forget, in this world of such friction - it is difficult!


To move on in something one has to get closer to the unity of that thing.


One cannot forget the present.- Past, present and future are interweaved as the colours of the rainbow, but we all are of the past, for the present only follows the past! But how close to the past is the present? Philosophy needs to distill the past, whereas psychology spreads it out like a deck of cards - sin forgets the past altogether.


Every unlike perspective in life is a choice and a different freedom; as freedom is about possibility, and not impossibility. Though the nature of freedom is always relative, so an absolute concept of heaven cannot be defined from freedom – does one need freedom from God, as freedom is a contra expression: one needs only freedom when one is repressed by vices or sin; but this is relative to a person's perspective of the nature of their morality.


Many people fail as they preach depth can be bought with a ticket, and a vague sense of spiritual need.- To want more, that is what we all seek, of the material and the non-material in one desire or the other; it is greed to want more when one is hungry: to want more when one is not hungry is a sincere want. Allow me to add (what occupies most people in the civilised world) that the riddle of weight loss is also the riddle of living in a castle or tent: sometimes one does not feel hungry when one is hungry, how many full bellies feel hungry? To want a castle while seeing one’s misery is to want misery; for in one’s court of consciousness the context of ‘want’ is acknowledged. In the court of one’s consciousness, if a ‘want’ is empty it is anti-money, or anti-desire, though how can lust be desire if it consumes desire, and leads one to wanting desire more than feeling desire!


Passion is individual to being human (but more than our uniqueness), perhaps such uniqueness is divided in other species of this world – many would argue that animals are soulful, perhaps they have a different nature of soul: but belief is belief, to talk about belief is to preach; it is the feeling of ourselves that comes from unknown depths within us, like a drop of lava from the centre of the world.


The quest for passion is the need and the feeling of home in life, and of life in the home: which is not resonance in life meaning simply how one sits on life, instead of how one walks on life. It is the nature of being to walk (to think with passion) in life, the quest of passion is to see what cannot be seen – not that it is hidden, but life is like a blossom, it’s depths may be hidden in the form of a bud.


The angles of advantages and spades of disadvantages of being a loser.- As winning in life can be many things, just like losing – some less impressive, and losing can be less pathetic. The forces of life can bark one into a dark alley way; one shivers, for the darkness stills oneself – one realises the flame of passion, that inner flame has been extinguished. Without passion there can be no story true to one’s life, for the winner must be the loser: one must lower oneself to see what there is between oneself and the horizon.

Betrayal may also be the prerequisite of being a loser; perhaps this prompted Buddha to leave his palace, but he did not pretend to be a loser for he left luxury too which may have defined him as a winner in the eyes of many. Christ was also betrayed, and there was also a necessity for Christ to lose, denied even by Peter, the loss is seen by many as an ultimate sacrifice of a martyr. Though many take this is literally, but Jesus walking into the desert and meeting Satan may be a metaphor of walking into one’s spirit, or walking into the mist. Maya attacks people more when they make such steps, and even in the Gita in Eastern Philosophy the story starts by the hero being a loser. Yesterday I was asked, ‘How was I doing?’ – I sensed betrayal, but I said I was rolling.

And something on present political design; pretending to be losers on the left and winners on the right in the idealistic living sense: though such righteous see no natural horizon, and the left cannot see beyond its own face of reality! Better to seek one’s own feeling than to seek the feeling of other views, but two points now, firstly the feeling of oneself changes as one changes, it is the feeling’s journey on the path between the winner and loser, or the advantages and disadvantages of being a loser.

Commentary On Aphorism: The angles (advantages) and spades (disadvantages) of being a loser

The winner sees the horizon, the meaning of this, is the racer aiming for the finishing line: the metaphor here is used here comparing the horizon to the finishing line, this is my invention! Also the first time that the aphorism has political over tones in this chapter (passion of being), pretending to be losers means not really being losers as not being allowed to compete with big stakes in life, and vice versa for winners as pretending to be winners, as not playing fairly and deciding who wins by their skin colour, culture or religion, not in the normal sense are winners acknowledged by ability, merit and passion. Also I have used the term winner, not in the sense of heroes; but a winner can be a hero, or a hero can also be a winner in life. I am biased as I am against present political design i.e. left and right policies...I am concerned with the next political design on account of the dreariness of obviousness that the right, left conflict creates as a necessary conflict for an establishment of so called world order, camouflaged melancholy which drugs the world to insanity.

The proverb version of this aphorism for the real loser, not the pretend loser is:

Quick questions, but distant answers.

The maxim version of this aphorism is:

The winner drops the mantle, and voluntarily becomes a loser of sophisticated boredom.


Passion has to be self-defining and self-meaning, though not life affirming, it is the gentle friend that encourages and pushes oneself forward. Through enthusiasm and confidence life is affirmed but one may only see the goals in one’s personal life, but there is space between the bridge and river, where one’s spirit lives. Many things lie between the whisper and the spoken word, but hate is clever and deception is the concept of life; there has to be another way....there is too much shame in living, life feels unnatural!

One cannot compromise one’s spirit, but it’s the ego that begs this and for this reason it is considered a vice: is it not why passion is forgotten, nor are people drawn to it. The health of the body is one thing, but the health of the soul many also evade, but it may also be the ego that preaches!


Sometimes (the audience has to become invisible) words are not enough, but the path between words and feelings can escape. But passion is stronger for it needs no ear which words do; meaning expression expressed in words. But passion is the flight of spirit, but needs no ears for it needs not the justification of acclaim but establishes itself into a system of life which only needs the justification of itself; it is the life of vanity that one should worry about and not the pressures of life, for a cycle with flat wheels belongs to the back garden (of life).


Passion is what nobody wants, but everybody wants as it is the feeling without feeling: for it digs in the abstract nature of living.


The essence of the question, what if I am a question? So is the world an answer, no it contains the question!


A sigh to vanity, my soul - the depth of winning is losing.


Reflections outside a children's playground.- The inner-conflict is about the conflict of emotion and reason which represents the perimeter of the playground. The pivot of this see-saw may be our direction in the cycle of our motion in life, the slide our judgment, and the stars are our souls; as we swing high our eyes reach for the horizon. The roundabout of love speaks of cycles of winner to loser (where losing is an extension of winning, though not so in many cultural definitions). The faster the roundabout swings, the blur of life reminds us that life is about change: meaning ourselves - the control of others is an illusion!

Commentary on the thinking playground

The non-culturality of the nature of truth of the aphorism is mentioned as a definition of a loser. Whereas cultural truths are static, this is a gliding dynamic truth on the importance of play in life, it is adults that teach children how to play, perhaps this is why children do not know how to play, but a pretending of play. People bark more than dogs, and we wag our tails more as living has lost its edge: for living is representing life, and not being life, play is representing play but not being pain. We blame wars for our problems, and people of power, but our problems are ourselves; for the elementary ingredients are not there, like passion, love, compassion, play and truth: being distant truths from another star.


Stretching life.- Some days, everything seems to be on one's side, and on others everything is against oneself - it is the Individual that does not waver in this. This strong sense of self with no feeling of regret but passion: may it not be a forbidden truth! May the holy spirit rise like a technological breakthrough.


The book of life.- Life needs a purpose, a will, this means lives must have an inner cunning. Every person must have a talent, whether a sleeping talent or a conscious one - this is not evolution but the nature of existence or life: no person's life is a blank page. For life's best deeds - are they worthy of the book of life, and other people are the punctuation of the day.


To be or not to be a person of cause.- It is not so easy to connect with life from the inside; how many dull outdoor people does....But being outside to connect with life may not necessarily connect oneself to life from the inside, the most out-door people do become outside people like beggars, who are refused the everyday concept of home. Some people travel all their lives, but to travel with integrity one must not desire to connect, but travel with purpose: one has to first connect with life from the outside, before one can connect to life from the inside! One has to be a person of effect first, and this is the light before one becomes a person of cause: a person of passion of being.


To try too hard to be in a place is a lack of harmony even in ambition, better to be in a decline that belongs to oneself.


Middle Of Nowhere.- Everything must return somewhere if it is from somewhere, depth in philosophy is a pre-requisite for being somewhere - though if one has no orbit then there is nothing to return to. Being in an orbit in life does enhance mood especially when one recognizes points in the orbit where one has been before; creating a comfort zone. This is why seeing the planet from a satellite is such a mood enhancer in a simple context.

Where can one go if one is nowhere? Even if an obscure place is a thing in itself, then it is somewhere, but being nowhere is a full desire of being somewhere: in such a state one is more likely to point one's finger.


The movement of love has to extend beyond prejudice, if it stops before prejudice, then love dissolves into prejudice. If love becomes absorbed by prejudice, culturally social empathy becomes love. Culturally love becomes a lie, but this lie is necessary for culture, for people have to believe they are capable of is the purpose of culture to use social empathy! One has to ask oneself who one thinks has more love, and why is this so, and who appears to have more love: perhaps the one that gives more out of social empathy.


Culture is not a complex lie structure, perhaps it is but it's purpose is not to serve truth but to serve the country of that culture. This is a work that stands outside the comfort zone of thinking, many do try to think outside the box but fail as the box is within another box....

Questions related to this aphorism

Why is love very vague, and hate so, well precise in culture?

How is language connected to culture?

Who or what does language serve?

Is happiness a lie also created by culture?

What forces drive culture?

If culture was visible, would it work?

What is the relationship between the culture and vice of people?


Being with others.- Empathy is over estimated because we are all of the same race, but beacuse we are of the same race passion is under estimated because we believe in a virtual safety net.


The moon of fulfillment, the enchantment of excitement and the destiny and effect of desire and purpose.- On cannot give anything to another, for people seem to be self-defined in terms of their wealth; when some things are added other things are taken: when a good idea is found another idea loses it's potency of effect. The act of giving in essence is giving to oneself with no terms - the expansion of oneself can occur by giving outwardly against the gravity of life. Possibly this is a new spiritual idea, one may argue that one is helping another, but what is the desire to help another - it is one's desire, which will share the same aim with the person being helped, but it is still one's desire.

So somebody asked me yesterday, how do you make a million, well - you have to think about it. He showed me his thinking; but he seemed pretending to think about this but was willing to dwell about the triviality of his boredom in a real sense. It seemed the prospect of thinking about the million casted a shadow on things he valued, the only expansion that occurred was the giving to myself.

The idea of giving to oneself through the pretension of giving to others, is based on the fact that only oneself is real to oneself. Even humanists can only be pretentious that others can exist as real as they do to themselves; one can only exist for oneself in a spiritual sense - one cannot truly connect to another's feelings without disconnecting to one's own feelings. The enchantment of excitement is true to one's desires: one cannot have pathos to other people's desires or sense of purpose and will.


A hacking-up senseless driven life.- Life must be endured, with or without ill meaning or spirit - we are not just delivered from the pain of the womb. Being as cold as winter can be as softening as Prozac - life has little merit in an igloo, LET THE INNER SUN SHINE. Life commits us to endure different levels of (cycles of) pains - not all pain is a moral or ethical tease it can also be a test of endurance. For what is the meaning of health - the medicine cycle rolls on and on....

Such is the nature of this world, if a golden age of heaven existed it will not be pain free, but free off the vices that cannot accept pain, but life is not pain (even the social life is a long shopping list). To hack life into a pleasure cruise to escape the medicine wheel is to compromise one's inner sensibility; to ignore the realm of passion.

Some that try to creep on the borders of pain...some do not desire answers; a pain to others more or less. But the argument is a plain one as nature knows; the flower knows it must bear winter: so must our moods bear fears and tides of ill pressure or health.


Passion rests in humility at the tip of the inner flame of the soul. It is our inner positioning of identity of pose, whereas the outer identity (how we bow to the world) is carved in its image.

Deeper still, in a second paragraph! In our nature lies a cave where we make no shadows where lightness is being and all things collide and do not collide. Here lies where I am defined: the naked self, it is always awake, free from the senses and the body. In its purest form it desires nothing, but to watch the seering ripples of living. It is ambition in its highest and lowest state.


Natural confidence is more real but less potent than willed without honesty type fireworks confidence.- People talk about false beliefs in the religious sense, but what is a daydream turns into a nightmare – when one realizes that false beliefs rest deep in people, hidden with ego and disguised with confidence: wrong beliefs believed with certainty, minds twisted like snakes and honest expression hijacked: honest expression is control – not a maxim of my invention….


Are not some people too confident? Paralyzing the will for self-control; living in a world of mirrors, confused with reflection (numerous reflections possibly) and reality. Though the intention of the aphorism is very sharp, the style is very blunt. I have always wondered where people’s confidence comes from, it appears unnatural. I mean what a person does, but act through confidence; and if the confidence comes from the wrong place: actions will hint it out! My small break from writing was to invite truth, but not truth in the context of writing, but in the context of life: to rise to a new landscape.


Conversational Aphorism with a Shadow That Moves

I am watching change in glory, and temperatures in reflex and motion from speeds….but I desire an island for my life.

The shadow that moves
It is suicide to desire this Robinson Crusoe. Things would lag – your emotions will become elderly, and lose all sense of will.

It is all perception, you can never be real. People even call the shadows light!

The shadow that moves – confused
Your deception is not made of chains, but a will refined.

What is deception….one must first find a love of the city. Perhaps then my emotions will find youth, for contact with others is like hungry waves hitting the rocks of a cliff. Many islands of soul have cliffs which circle them?

The shadow that moves
I am a victim of culture, but it is the swansong of the losers club
What is a loser and failure?

The Loser does not vibrate with life, they are not one life – naturalness does not grow in their garden; neither aesthetics. The failure may know naturalness, but they do not feel their souls, they cannot connect with their essence. They believe passion to be deception – their view is not above and below dreams.

The shadow that moves
I dance well, but better to dance with life.

Being impressive is simply shining, but being is to be the day.

The shadow that moves
I will deceive people about you, for I am the mist.

You become mist, you disappear – impressive! Too much deception and you lose self-control; you will then want to control others!

The shadow that moves
My heart is jealous, you even control this – all shadows are drawn to souls that emulate the light.

All suns will play with shadows, but deception ages fast.

The shadow that moves
My effect is real, but only on the outside – nobody is allowed any further.

It is moving?

The shadow that moves
In days of old: shadows told time – shadows moved in sundials, I whisper in the night, I hold my breathe, and use copy and paste passion!

I never trusted such clocks – time is a puzzle – to tell the time is not to solve the puzzle: all you shadows become one shadow of social deception.

The shadow that moves
I need more sweets – it is my job to deceive my soul into being content.


Conversational Aphorism with a Silent Shadow

Silent Shadow
Are we all doomed in self-deceit, living blind folded? But you are no light of hope-I simply see words!

You said it. The light in oneself sees the light in others, but the darkness in oneself can only guess at it.

Silent Shadow
Warmth is what we desire, NOT the light.

You’re telling me, but the light has no warmth. For the sun and moon are shy too, like how a good day starts – not with thunder. The sun wears a veil, its modesty hides its warmth.

Silent Shadow
Warmth comes from the night.

You seek control of others, but lack self control. So you try to control with fists like instruments. If you lack control in identity you seek control of the identity of others, if you lack control in your creativity, you control (put to sleep) where you smell the creative drive in others.

Silent Shadow
I fear a lack of control, perhaps I believe I GAIN control from others? But is philosophy a heavy influence of control? Your aphorisms are like rain: bad weather!

It may not be as eye popping as a political budget, or having a new president with a statuesque profile. But culture is a lot of small things, drowning in everyday life can be a lot of small things, polite suicide is a lot of small things….quicksand: is a lot of small things.

Silent shadow
Passion is such an easy draw – who can find fault with something like that! Some say God is dead, and others God is alive – it is simply a different style of writing. Life does not whisper secrets to everybody.

It is more than style; culture is of many small things, made up of so many small things. No big thinking has changed culture, though culture changes direction, it even changes form, culture changes from inside.

….QUICKSAND is also a lot of small things.

Commentary on 588 – 3 parts


It is easy for people to deceive themselves. Deception occurs within a rosy inner mirror. But deception to oneself causes a fracture in the perception causing one to lose one's sense of self. The shadow is a character from the unconscious which was inspired from Jung, but nothing more than this. Originality is still the hallmark of this book.


The previous conversation with the shadow defined the winner, and loser, the numbers of such people may not be increasing, but their percentage is. Here drowns the deception of the world, failing any ontological being that reins the sphere of winning. Many too are motivated up the ladder of ambition, with financial awards to aid the deception, or if the deception to oneself is overwhelming, the desire to control can force one to a greater role of authority.

The vibration with life, the vanity of the loser, has been matched by the strumming of Mississippi John Hurt, here in the Blues lies the true vibration with life intoxicated with the passion of life. Blue also being the colour of morning, so Red is the colour of the evening. The vibration of the inner being, of less energy as red is to blue, I would liken to the piano play of Shubert.


Against the Darwin idea of evolution, survival of the fittest.- Loser has loser friends, loser marries loser, failure seeks failure: winners desire winners. Evolution can not work because we deceive ourselves, survival of the fittest means one partner has to accept being on a lower plane, evolution means needing a certain amount of honesty: though a certain change can occur to a species but it may not be evolution! Perhaps in the animal kingdom, if the female believes in aggression – it will impress on such qualities….but physical change not based on assertive choice, but aggressive choice still not evolution – for is the fittest the most aggressive?


Proof of passion, can it be a virtue in a court of law! It is the senses that lead one to proof - proof should be written with less blunt pencils including judgment – something could be dismissed if it is above one’s head: but later in years to come one may be…. in a higher landscape in one’s life – God forbid! Proof of passion is that one can sense a certain stare, hear another’s doubt, listen to another’s sense of life - such things are too small for a court room date….such inner turnings of swirl in a lake of dreams. A slight gesture, or quiet expression in the ears of another, what domino strumming would it make, such are the chains of cause and effect, a game no doubt for children? The truth is that passion is the movement of the spirit in the body – it is beyond the five senses between doubt and fear: close to the sea bed with the lost fish: to discover a pose – NOT PRETENTIOUS, NOT CLASSICAL….individual; designer label – Passion Limited.


During the time of this writing, the family dog had been knocked over though he had quickly recovered from a broken leg. This made me remember a friend who had been knocked under a bus while riding on a bike after working all night in the morning. I also felt drawn to this quote from a Jewish book:

"And darkness was upon the face of the deep"
R. Jehudah

This aphorism is about small things, and how little they mean in a court of verdict – no matter how small the court, may be. How easily passion is lost, or burnt off in argumentation.


Non evasive answers and inner motivation.- Everything must …. I guess have some kind of answer which stops questions: the answers that express dances of the soul – only in the fire of passion such answers are found; as there are too many answers that still the mind to a dull trance. One is asking the right questions, because the questions are in us, we are the questions, our days: our lives: our unconscious!

Lightening came from a grayish dull sky as if it was spitted out from heaven, I fell instantly; in a dream in a saintly zone that words should not be able to describe I the soul was caressed, to awaken the passion.


I my eyes art in its real sense should not feel like art, as Van Goth was; but art ages well. It seems to be content in the, limits of the moment that cage it: like humidity flirting with cheapness. Art fails if it is done through self importance, the artist struggles between the essence and the void. Thus I was inspired to do a second paragraph, a tangent to the unconsciousness.

Why do I do this! Sometimes it is so difficult to ignore the obvious, things happen, the world spins out of control. I can be carried a way with the hypocrisy of politicians after a hard days work at night – I might, or a man with a gun on a killing spree: but to state the obvious the city is a big place and we are not made of nuts and bolts. It is just an escuse to write in the name of cat sentimentality, or dog willingness. I write because that is what I am.


Being alive, but in what sense of being alive?-The desire to control is a hunger for passion – like an arm reaching from the dimness of a faint soul. Such a soul’s light can barely be felt which is cradled by a pat on the back by one’s kind: you have honour, we respect you….. They utter bowing. I have to admit my passion is not seen by most, but was noticeable by very faint souls.

Father lies to son, mother lies to daughter. The soul cries, I want life get me out of here, push me out. But out of where because where you are is who you are - know thyself; you are not being deceived but have become deception. One can reach to passion too late, but in such a state one knows I know something about something, but then it is too late. You may ignore passion, and yes there is personality in you – maybe…. Personality is the aesthetic of the soul. But better to have more, than less….though having more is always about having less: though not in the cultural sense but in the aesthetic sense.


The faint souls have their chant; the individual has to tackle the ball past their cultural sameness. They see no passion in the collective ring, but there is nothing wrong with sameness, it lies in a feeling to belong, the old feeling of home. But does not the individual come from that same place? One finds sameness before one finds individuality, maybe like a bird flying home in the winter, the individual also flies to the sameness, but its pathos has changed!

There has been much change in my life, I cannot even recognize myself. This aphorism is psychological for it is about the sameness in a group, the pathos of the sameness, and the freedom in the group....


Forgetful we are, and how much we want to be, but the unconsciousness never forgets, every moment is carved in the path we walk, spirals of hypocrisy, or spirals of truth. Every breath rises to the heavens, and every sigh negates our desires.

Passion de-humidifiers the world and cools our inner air; frees us away from the cage of empathy, and one’s indifference to it. We watch our feelings like silent ghosts, we truly ignore our feelings. Through passion we tune to the frequency of ourselves: one should feel like oneself, and not as one once felt; one should feel as one is.


The cage of empathy is basically a group of people that allow no diversity. A group based on sameness, empathy is so extreme it becomes a cage, and few other emotions are permissible. It is an example of how the ego betrays the soul – am I swimming into spiritual waters here in a work of philosophy? One last word is that multi-culture is in its lower level an expression of sameness, but Individualism simply dissects the sameness: it plays with it, but does not bow to it. For sameness does not need to be expressed, but rearranged: only differences are expressed.


Being alone and the nature of complexity.- The desire of being in essence is living life by connection – observing the natural connections day by day; the sense of where one is in life….

Thinking without desire, without thought; yet a sponge to passion uniting one’s horizon with the horizon of oneself looking into the distant future in mystic light: yet humble to one’s shadow and to God’s complex reflections in the conscious watery tranquilities of dimensions. Ah, never complain about the complexity of God, but be contently annoyed at the complexity of life; nod to the world as if the sun rises and falls in some obscure way or connection. The complexity of unknown feeling, of unknown things is the very nature of complex, but complexity is not detail, nor depth; but paths not created.

Being alone one connects to the surface of oneself, being with others one connects to the surface of others. When circumstances and situations change one connects in different ways. But being more complex is seeing one’s passion, when eyes become mirrors to one: when the will is introverted.


This aphorism is about allowing life to become more complex, and to create paths where no paths exist.

Two points, firstly to think with passion is to think so inertly that the brain is not used (one does not think in a normal sense), to think inside the body and not to think by the body. What is being in a state of complexity but multi-tasking, not multi-doing, allowing the will to be wild. As being of a will, is being in focus which is simply about concentration, the will must become more faceted for individual pathos to be made.


Atmosphere pretends to be a mist.- In the mist of our day to day business, we drive through on the seat of habit, a drug of the conscious. The most common habit is walking as we are either moving towards or away from something. Passion is the internal walking, the walking that sees no path; in essence it is pure freedom.

Your actions and voice are consequences of your soul, which determine how people handle atmosphere, and awareness comes from irritability induced by the mist. There is a hidden clock within us, a hidden clock in our unconscious; it lies in the cloudy mists of our presence.


I did a collection of notes called Freedom from the Rules of Life in my early twenties, though not worthy to be published. Nevertheless they are worth integrating into this chapter. So from aphorism 594 it will be a walking stick…. Money wise, I am taking a gamble – one needs practicality with work in life.

There is so much between the mind and heart that the world has not seen. Don’t people think that something is missing – a natural union between passion and ourselves. How many people feel that they will fall apart in the middle of the day? This aphorism addresses the spirit.


Behind the chaos of life; beyond the whispering echo of society. - What if we could lift up the curtain of life – to see life stripped of all present (confusion of ….) illusion to reveal the actual intents of life. Behind what we see are the reasons of our living, seeing and breathing. Nothing to do with Freudian unconsciousness, but some other science, what about the unconsciousness of life. What if we could see the unconsciousness of life as characters in a play? Not for realizations, but some other approach? If only we could see the external hands that come towards us if we are pieces in some other dimension as a game. It is something for later….

For life imposes on us, in the same way that our dreams, desires and wants impose on others. We need to compose ourselves, so our imperfections are perceived with perfect perception. Never to fall short: one must give with heart, it is no fault to give more than one can receive – it is not the fault of giving but the fault of taking.


One and a half weeks have past just playing with an apad, the Google version of the ipad. I will be on my first true holiday in the sense of leisure for many years on the 4th of October 2010, so no more posts till the next month.

The sexist word manager is actually bad English as it means to manage people not work. But his is what happens, people are managed, and not work, people are managed in the name of work, not work is managed in the name of workers. So the word needs work and should be altered to workager, and worker would become iworker (joke).

It is interesting that managers do not manage their lives, perhaps managing anything else is too close to work, and they would want to be more informal outside of work. They do manage their feelings oddly, but managing fears, is not facing fears - just clever thinking, which is as common as mud.

Getting back to 595, or close to it consider that we have virtual space on the net, and we have our physical spaces i.e. work and home, but there are other spaces such as our privacy where people can be guests or restricted. Perhaps we have virtual spaces spiritually? Though the idea of heaven is a spiritual space we are not connected to it personally in a spiritual way, but perhaps in an abstract way - there are other spaces, but not in the Kantian sense. For space is connected to the physical sense, as what is around of it, or enclosed by it. This definition fails to explain our most valuable type of space, privacy; such spaces exist in another dimension of reality.


The GPS of the soul – the inner pathos of direction.- Inspiration is about being pushed by a force of influence in the style of control that stimulates the will, but what is the meaning of the above – where is this above, or higher ground in the psyche of living (for are there co-ordinates in the psyche of North and South) and how does it transcend? How can we make distant aims in life? Who can make such steady aim – it is why many fail…. Or should I hoard ideas in the name of cowardice, never to write again!


Three maxims from my early twenties in reference to GPS location in life:

One.-The aesthetic formula is the metaphor; perhaps nature has its own metaphors.

How many metaphors are motivated by the swing of nature - the metaphor is a way of mapping our situation.

Two.-Lies mature faster than wine, consider the weeds of nature. Consider how some people seem to mature? Youth sees such things!

This is making a point, it is easy to get lost, and when one is lost there is no map!

Three.-By artificially trying to create a path, one achieves a freedom of spirit without the ego and the unconscious realizes “Wild Is Thy Wind!”

If one is so lost in life, and directions spin like a weather vane in a storm one must create a path, which has never been walked upon. But one has to first have a realization that one is lost, an awakening.


Under Water Reflection


One swims into the consciousness – drifts with life! Yet one feels one is in a valley....

The bed of ancient ruins – with a black sky.


One must acquire internal summary of relection, but not just from looking over one’s reflection on the surface of the river of life experiences but from the sense of looking from under water to the light muddled by ripples. Memories provide windows into experiences related to the soul.

We look at memories from life looking inward, we reflect on the path of life triggered by a newness drifting into a vinyl scratched memory, we should also reflect on memories by reflection looking from the soul to the memories of our life, and not just the senses looking at a memory in a sentimental moment; reflecting from under water is not aesthetic it is an abstraction of thought.


Love will still sweat, even without negativity and the harshness within beauty (for nothing is ugly). One must explore things from different angles. How many become so obvious, with cups full to the brim, yet there is still hope. Is reality so harsh, or do we need empty cups, for there must be room for internal reflection of the order of spiritual philosophy.

There is so much advice, but is it adventurous buying i.e. adventurous taking: smile! Laugh! Talk more! Live more!