


As Socrates was the mid-wife of ideas, then it follows that ideas are created as result of psychological pregnancy, and not by conscious will.


The larger the philosophy, the more easily it can be shaped for personal benefit, but all things truly are subjective, so such manipulation is welcome.


A future target.- Allow my soul to be visible like the sun, or moon: to see its inner measures.


In a perfect state we would not require entertainment, for the process of life would satisfy: we would be in natural balance and our actions would compliment them in harmonic corresponding order, without doubt, and hesitation.


When we cannot understand how we feel, we desire the destruction of our philosophy: for does not the blame go to the operating system of the consciousness.


Intelligence is the ability to put purpose into ourselves, to rise above confusion, and neglect: to put our very soul to order. Real intelligence does not serve well though to impress others, but to impress the crowd is not to impress one.


Aphorisms are not appreciated as well as they deserve to be, because the assumptions of the reader will be different to that of the writer. A natural conflict is welcome, though a deliberate, and conscious conflict seeks conflict only for pleasure: which is the path of doom, though you may smile so sweetly; one cuts such smiles from the heart


Individuality is the only absolute truth, everything else is relative. Though one may claim God to be the absolute truth, but God if seen is only seen through the glass of one's own perception.


We feel less alive if we do not believe in an immortal soul. We need to feel, and register the infinity inside of us, not just in the cosmos. It is thus that the feeling of life exists, but in those that believe otherwise one finds not a feeling of life, but a feeling of shadow.


Freedom from the rules of life (my first book(early 1990's)) is a teaching of patience. For it reveals slow metaphors in the process of life. Its ideas are still so close to me after 10 years, though these notes were written (a few months) after that book. As with all of my notes I write not for others, but for myself, one makes little money, or fame from such notes, many philosophers, even Blake, and Nietzsche paid for their publications.


The concept of a theory may not be philosophical, though it may contain philosophical elements inside of it.


I am against the philosopher's of logic, such straight lines I do not see in the process of my thoughts.


There is no proof of anything, for how can one prove this process of finding the proof of a thing is real.


With combined vision of both eyes we welcome good perception, though it is difficult to keep both eyes open when looking at such things.


Philosophy comes in the mist like a stranger in the dark, but it is our only real tool.



I created a silence for myself,
And it was in this silence that I settled all my hopes and wishes,
And in this silence I slept like sleep.
I dreamed in this reality,
And it caressed my wishes and desires.

After writing the first verse,
It motivated me to continue in this way,
For strong winds continue blowing,
And one cannot see the lesser winds.

After understanding the circle of life,
Boredom grew inside of me,
For repetition is only exciting in theory!

I dropped life through myself,
As I was dropped into life,
In my origin when I was born.

I sang these verses to my soul,
And my soul did not forget for they were like memories,
One of many waves to reach new lands.


80% of politics is not politics, because it tries to appreciate and understand the remaining 20% which consists of rules, and articles which creates the systemic government.


Fashion is poetry in motion.


Freedom from the rules of life, my first book, is about how it feels to be alive, the act of living, and about what being human means, in this respect it holds a skill in humanitarianism.


Chiefly our idea of what good is responsible to religion, and also if we change our idea of giving, we must also change our idea of talking. And encore if we must change our idea of what is good, we also must change our idea of what is evil. The only way of accomplishing this task concerning morality, is to deal with morality when it comes to you and to meet it, on its own terms. Although much has been written on morality, it is a more complicated issue than was thought, it is necessary to include discussions of politics in it. For the difference between what morality and legality is not understood and nor are the individual subjects, or even the individual volumes. Our understanding may have improved from a long list of thinkers dedicated to the solution of morality, but the problem has also expanded. It is for this reason that there seems to be a standstill in this area compared to the previous century, the books concerning this of the previous century are too readable. When living becomes more of a struggle, our intellectual atmospheres must take more risks and move with the tidal wave.


Opinionated thinking is systematic thinking.


No child desires the answers to life to an extent that they would have to go out of their way, in other words no boy, or girl would want to be a philosopher, the reason being for this being that children do not appreciate how short life is. For a child of 10 years, when they realize that they will die in perhaps seventy or more years, believe that they will never die, for an old age is simply a number to them. This is an example of why our general concept of children is good only for theoretical discussions.


When one leaps too far, the observer will think that they are day-dreaming.


A yes is a no with a subtle change of motive.


The art of knowing how children should grow up is as difficult as the quest of how people should live and age.


The relationship between philosophy and experience.- Experience is not as important as it is believed in a person's philosophy. For does it matter where a tree is planted on a field.


On suicide.- The concept of suicide as a way of escaping society is much more attractive to rationalism, than the idea of using suicide to escape one's thoughts.


When artists lose themselves it will be expressed to some extent in their work, to the boredom of their work.


Do what you most do not want to do to increase your energy.- I believe that there is an individual way of remembering, but also how we apply our energy, we are more capable of some things than others. For example things that are the easiest to do, represent our most individual or Latin methods. We seem to increase our energy by doing something that is a task at hand.


In an average person's philosophy, for every idea that confronts the person, either a tick or a cross is placed with it, or neither.


An essay is a workbench of the philosopher, but when an aphorism is written the work bench exists in the mind of the philosopher.


A person being in their most solitude attitude of mind, would be able to accept easily the concept of death, of never moving, but in decomposition.


There will always be hostility in poetry, because poetry by itself stays constant, it is not very independent because it cannot improve or fall within itself.


The ability to appreciate music is the ability to appreciate feelings.


What is the meaning of life? This is a silly question because it contradicts itself, to put it simply it asks the 'meaning' of 'what' life is, for what is life is part of the question. This question is equivalent to saying, 'What is a mirror image?' There is a question in the question, for the meaning of what is a mirror image, is part of the question which is 'What is a mirror?'.


Enthusiasm has little to do with the value of our actions and how we live, we must love feelings and learn to differentiate between enthusiasms, for enthusiasm is easily forgotten and leads nowhere in particular, when concerned with the search for truth. We must learn to see things as they are, and not as what we want them to appear, this is the essence of enthusiasm.


The artist must know how to over estimate their work, in order to overcome the madness in life.



To a certain extent we can live within ourselves,
Create our own obstacles, and celebrations,
Live with our own limits,
Forget what is,
Create our own what is.
We can imitate the universe in an individual way,
And create our own objectiveness in life.
We can leave the details,
Until they come to us,
We can create method in idleness,
And celebrate each action with celebration,
In this world,
Whether in our minds or in reality,
For wipe away tears,
For the earth weeps more than these words.


Why is a philosophy written? So it can be affirmed, which assumes it is not affirmed. It would have to have an inner confidence, because our thoughts are our most precious belongings, this confidence is the important armory that is needed, so everything can be seen as a victory. A new philosophy, is not just new ideas, though how many there are of them, no matter how profound they are, but a new philosophy exists as the presence of the philosopher. Like a flower standing, it needs only the elements of sun, water, and the soil to hide it's foundations, it is a flower, but how can we prove it's beauty is greater than that of other flowers, the greatness of it's beauty is identical to the flowers presence. It is true also for recognition of greatness, it simply has to act through its weight.

Commentary - mar. 05
As life is seen in aesthetic terms, and judged thus, so why not a philosophy should be judged by its aesthetic character.


The art of a novel, is the art of selectively copying from life into a novel. In this view originality does not exist in novels, but only in ideas, and only so far in poetry, which exploits ideas.

Commentary mar. 2005
This explains why I use poetry, for in poetry I give the ideas the fullest expression and raise them to a level that justifies their uniqueness, I see in them my aphorisms in subjective contrast. Nietzsche also used poetry, other philosopher's have used novels to put their ideas into stories.


At best we can recognize an immature idea, for we can recognize it is developing, but we can have no idea of what the idea will be. People do not investigate ideas, they realize them.

People with false valuations will feed their valuations on false reasoning, but there are no universal valuations on life, we simply realize life.


The difference between philosophy and the other subjects, is that no amount of determination can have any influence in writing philosophy, for a philosophical idea is either realized or not!


It is through feelings that it is realized when an idea has matured.*

* I remember reading one theory that said that an objective level existed in our emotional level, and vice versa for our mental level, and it is interesting how each is connected - that is 4 different relationships connecting our objective, and subjective nature. May 26 2005


Let us involve ourselves into what depth is required, and not what depth we believe that we are capable of, let us be strong in this - we must create our moments for us, for the great moments of the soul can happen if we provide the correct ideas to understand each situation, for life is lived in scenes - it is not continuous. We need to be different people to suit each day, we must demand new ideas and new dreams from life every day, not every life time!


Tokens of lower culture are needed for tokens of higher culture.- It is impossible to understand this, because this aphorism has no meaning, it is an idea which has no meaning!


What is entertainment? Do we necessarily need it, for there are people who are naturally happy. I believe it is necessary to achieve happiness on an independent level before one seeks enlightenment, including a partner.


When we wait for something, we are focused on it; but when we are waiting we will be focused on something else, and therefore we wait for something else. You may perhaps wonder what subject I name this something that I use in these words, well it could be a thought. By this concept of waiting it is impossible to wait for something, without waiting for something else, for this reason 'wait' has no meaning in a deep sense. This is only of value to the philosophical minded, who must find the things with the deepest meanings, to create the strongest foundations. The average people will not be interested in meaning, for then they would have to wait while they think before they go back to living!


When thinking about a topic, we usually think about its advantages, and then its disadvantages : but what is the advantage or disadvantage of having an advantage or disadvantage?


People would not be bothered by the meaning of life if they were immortal.


We feel if something has meaning, we do not know that it has meaning.


We cannot compare people of one country to another country, because citizens of one country will be relative to the culture of that country.


If everybody except the police did something illegal, the police will follow.


Although masterpieces of work contribute to their own culture, the work does not seem to belong to one country.


There is an art in writing which could set bad and good examples of the use of the language.


When we desire something, did we create the desire, or did the desire exist before we desired something. Is it because of a loss of an emotion that we create the desire for something, as is the case in the conservation of energy, as energy changes form, is it true with emotions, for we cannot be happy and sad at an instant. How do feelings change, for example from sad to happy. But before we leap too far, we must question what a feeling is? At first thoughts, when we experience a feeling, the feeling will feel like a sensation. It is possible that feelings are valuations, for each person will have a different idea of what a happy or sad situation is, and when we appear to be approaching what is a happy situation to us, we will feel happy because we believe that we are in a happy situation. For this reason it can be stated that feelings are directly related to ideas, and when our ideas improve in concept we will feel better with ourselves.


These aphorisms can be arranged into strict subjects, and then they will have a harmony with the subject title of that chapter, but they will not be harmony with themselves, for each aphorism is like a change in a novel; you cannot organize a novel into similar events and situations!


One of the first books the I Ching uses the theory that all ideas have an origin in nature, where the sixty-four angles represent different aspects of nature, which represent different ideas such as that of 'development' where a wood grows gently on a mountain gives birth to the fundamental philosophy of 'development'.


Poem.- Aim in life.

Imagine in one's thoughts,
An idea - do we see the idea?
Imagine adventure and imagine an idea,
As being part of the adventure,
And travel to the dawn of your existence.
What trophy lies before my eyes?
What is it that opens my soul?
Let it be,
As it is,
My aim, your aim, our aim!

See the eyes of a little one,
A new born,
In it's eyes,
My idea lives,
And I live with the idea.

Let us question the aim of the poem,
This is also the aim of our lives.
The state that I see,
I reveal to the eyes with tender words,
A state where the new born does not speak,
For it know no language,
But language is not a virtue,
But a valuation.

In the baby there lies an aim,
An aim which carries no valuation,
But sees everything,
As it is : everything and nothing.

My eyes and thoughts envy this,
For I do not see things as they are,
But only if my valuations give permissions;
And here on this summit,
Do I rest word,
And rest verse,
For I remove the veil -
And see the highest virtue,
This is also my highest aim.


There is no reason to assume that pleasure is linked to entertainment. People use entertainment to help them to affirm their feelings, an attraction to entertainment in this respect leads to a greater appreciation of feelings, for then entertainment can be used to analyze feelings and understand the importance in them.


There is difficulty with social theories to understand that if people were social, they would have to realize the importance of the individuality, for it is the individuality that creates emotional ties, or even a social theory.


Short aphorisms are a slogan within themselves, as essays are melodramatic in scope of being.


Human All Too Human by Nietzsche has to be one of the most difficult projects ever taken in mankind, for it takes no compromise to creativity or wit, where each aphorism is dedicated to its title.


For hopes sake - stay in the now!

When we hope for something, we exaggerate our thoughts, and by this exaggeration we believe that we have increased the likelihood for achieving what we hope for. It is analogue to a student who aims for a percentage that is an exaggeration of their normal percentage. The problem is hope is a future tense word, meaning it only relates to what will happen, words should only be made for the present tense. For hope is a formal way of day dreaming, it is equivalent to looking at nothing and being lost in yourself, I bury the concept, it is how delusions of grandeur began. We hope constantly, but hope may only work to create targets in life.


By crushing ideas, people are involuntarily also crushed in the same manner, it is for the price of the masses that an individual is exalted in their own universe. The ability to create and destroy ideas is where true power lies, here is the dominator.


Problem ontology.- Of all the desires to solve the many problems that pollute the minds of mankind - it is because the questions hurt us : they cut into us in our worst thoughts. But there is a problem with the Will to Power or its method The Revaluation of All Values, it is a problem of perspective. Nietzsche saw everything, and saw it as set values, the problem does not lie in the values, he did not seek the process in the values, but instead he tried to change all the values of people. The problem in general is a problem that all mankind suffers from, but they did not take it as far as Nietzsche. For example when we have a problem, we say how we can stop the problem, this is the origin of how we solve the problem, and we expand from this, Nietzsche brainwashed himself completely and in this way solved the problem that confronted him, he went the long way, and was the only person to find a source and destination i.e. a mapping of ideas. There is a much quicker method of approach, in order to reach a destination in thoughts. We should say why we have a problem, instead of how to stop the problem, this question is more direct and plays less with ideas. For instead of changing our ideas and improving them as we grow older, we should improve how we improve ideas : a less passionate, but more ontological approach.


These reflections from under the rock are necessary hardships, they are tests in strength, these aphorisms of iron, thus said the autobiographical aphorism.


Even if we have found a source and destination in life, it's friction must still be overcome, an origin and an aim are simply like a shelter, which gives a sense of well being, because we have defeated the greatest enemy, an ease or a comfortable tailor fit to life can be accustomed to, this is how a true feeling of wealth and honor arises, one that cannot die, because it is as individual as me. A great sense of comfort arises like a feeling of preservation like a great painting from the knowledge that perspective is found in life, this feeling cannot be exaggerated because it is the greatest feeling, our greatest joy, and life can be achieved in first class through respect.


Wit at its best is something that can be exploited by novels.


By complicating (what is feeling?) by stressing the importance of feeling with it's link to the individuality, it is difficult for me to recognize that the word pleasure has any meaning of a concise manner, or if it exists, it is not enough to label pleasure with good feeling, for feeling is more complicated and accurate, than the language which we use to write and talk with.


Philosophy Made Simple books designed for students, are the saddest possible reading for a philosopher.


Is it not common by people to consider that things taken too harshly are better than taking things too weakly?


The art of selling or the teaser of desire is based on the creation of assumptions of need. For to create interest, the desire for need has to be ignited, and nurtured. The seller has to create an illusion of the void, such as our fragile nature the void becomes a black hole for our money! Selling has become so subtle, that its nature exists in the design of the product.


The parable of the lawn.- Consider a lawn, the grass has been cut, after weeks the grass begins to grow, but does it grow evenly? Consider each blade of grass as a person, the analogue here is that each grass grows to a different height, and it is for this reason 'the state' cuts the grass, the people, and calls them society. Society is a very clean word like a cut lawn appears to be. When the grass has not been cut, it becomes less civilized, and it is only in this state that the right conditions for perhaps a daisy may appear.


Neo-realism development in Italian Cinema was not a result of creative experimentation, but war makes a country cold. It could just have been escapism void of dignity. For realism leads to nothing - it is like tracing a picture of a picture: realism only makes us stare coldly in the mirror without thought : though many things that are different are assumed to be creative, but what is creativity? Neo-realism is the art of copying, and not the art of creating. Good creation comes from a striking cause: realism lights no candle, but we'd desire more reality in our lives, but this is an expression for better existence in life.


I could never repeat an aphorism for all is in flow : how could I find passion for such a thing, though such dryness some may think to be realism.


Sometimes we wish that we can remember everything, but this only occurs when we cannot remember something that we want to remember. It is the way of life to have doubts, and to mix it with confusion, to slip here and there: for nothing great is found by obvious natures, or common sense, but the drive inwards leads like a compass. Sometimes we need to forget to return to the cross-roads.


We need a more subtle approach to time, rather than a soft, or hard style it is better to have a workman approach with time: to learn to watch, and not watch time.


We have to master meaning, and recognize that it is constantly fluid, and no aphorism can be an equation to this. We lose meaning in some words to find meaning in other words : as with energy meaning cannot be lost. Though one may become mad, they find meaning in madness, or in the soul's void, for to find meaning in something is to find purpose in it.


In extreme hate, we begin to hate ourselves, for it is this reason that hatred must be dealt with in an organized manner, we must see it as an extra chore in life. Such things lead to a freedom from hate : such tiny steps...


I prefer to have a narrative order with my aphorisms, for in such a way the tides come and go.


Every philosophy has a subjective nature even when thoughts seek from the distant past : such is the nature even when thoughts seek from the distant past : such is the nature that a false objectiveness could appear.


Myths inspire first thoughts, or thoughts which have a greater emphasis on cause than effect.


Hatred is never purely expressed as hate, but is not the cause for the hatred expressed. Such is the impurity of negativity, whereas positive emotions, are not expressed in the cause, but in a pure sense. For with positive emotions there are no lessons, there is no cause or caring weight attached to it: one is well, all is well - nothing to dwell about.


I see no crime in being female, or male : as they are styles and not treaties. Babies are not created, but seem to appear in the correct situation, as if they were called into a play.


The pressure of philosophy is a strong obstacle : for where is the romance, or the adventure? One does not decide to become such a thing - it is more about finding why one is thinking?


To prove how easily a 'yes' can be a 'no' by a change of motive, I reveal this example, is the prime minister the boss of a country? Instantly a yes appears to mind, for a prime minister, or president is a type of boss, who has the ability to exercise power over a country, well more than the average citizen. Therefore is the citizen the boss of a country? It would follow that if the prime minister is the boss, then the answer will be in a spirit of opposition, no. But if the motive is changed from political to moral which is more involved with giving and taking. It is the citizen who pays the government through taxes to carry on their function, but the prime minister through the government does not pay the citizen for being a citizen. The moral motive makes the citizen the boss, yes, and the prime minister is a boss, no!


If ever you decide that you cannot understand an aphorism, you must ask yourself, how I evaluate understanding.


When music becomes so enchanting it becomes greater than our admiration - we become a slave to its notes and chords.


If a person over-runs, the legs will trip over each other and no obstacle would be needed. But it is the taming of obstacles that is needed, as if they were wild horses that could if tamed make our journey easier. Such are the short cuts for people who find success very quickly...


The best philosophers are the most patient with ideas : they simply look after their ideas as a pregnant lady would do so. Whereas students may try to bleed their ideas dry before the ideas are not even born! Thus, such ideas deserve such attention, and over preparation, and argumentation.


Being parent is role-playing, whereas individuals challenges roles, and prefer acceptance without labels, and seeks the inner essence of all roles.


Frustration is the inability of finding a conclusion, or the necessity to continue.


The origin of the question.- Questions is complexities which were added to the first languages. It is the original form of entertainment, in a way the first quiz, questions were invented so they could be used for entertaining purposes such as an opponent. Questions are meaningless, to attempt to find an answer for a question means that you do not understand the question. Questions are simply a matter of dominance. I do write questions but I never rely on the concept of the question, I only rely on the impact of the question.


Only by recognizing and appreciating the chaos that happens in life, can it be overcome. When we experience chaos it cuts a small slit from outside, and flows in through this. One should walk to problems, instead of allowing problems to fully develop and hence create designer solutions.


To expect something from life is to formulate to that something and away from it.


We must learn to compromise and forget the exact yes and no, and compromise with compromise, for extremes is sometimes reached in compromise.


If a problem is seen philosophically, it is not a problem, but a journey.


I feel the idea before I write the idea. Though philosophy is objective, idea creation is subjective, but not creative (though creativity can be added to anything).


When we think, we simply feel thoughts, but we cannot feel that these thoughts came from the brain, it is only through science that we realize it, but it is from science in the crude sense, as one knows legs are for walking, for if one loses one legs one cannot walk.


Does reality create us, or do we create reality through perception, reality could create us through its own perception!


There is a thing as too much courage, where perhaps one may write down a vocabulary of their thoughts with no control, it is indeed too raw, beware!


There is a strong link between us and reality, if only we knew it!


The pursuit of technical perfection is escapism.


We are always more of a victim of ourselves than we think we are.


Anything worthy will come out of the surface, it will itself demand it.


During the day, people do not consider one subject, but the topics control the individual, a conversation with a different person will usually demand a different subject, and when the individual is alone, the thoughts will create their own subject. Nothing is specific in life, and this is the essence of the juice that I capture in these writings; it is my individual order.


The individuality is the formula of what is personal.


We do not know who we are; we simply have a personal history.


In an exalted dream we would emerge by a revelation of the highest, we simply exist because we exist!


When we think of a feeling, we evaluate it with words and pictures, a formal and informal code. Whereas babies would think in a visual manner only!


The perspective of feelings are not as well mature as of with thinking, for feelings can pass beyond a person to another. This is why feelings are more expressive, because they are pure. We all use masks, but the stronger they become the smaller our subjective worlds become.


When we hope for something, we also hope that the past will be different.


An aim is only for losers, because it is just a question that you ask yourself, will I reach the goal or not? By continually thinking the question, the aim will be created.


Proof is not an organized word, for what really is proof, it simply means in order to prove something give it a technical meaning which seems to carry the meaning of what is to be provided.


The meaning of a world is not proof of the world. As the meaning of a word is not proof that a word is of benefit enough to exist, for meaning is only the shadow of form, and not the matter of it. The true substance of a thing is in its value, direction, and purpose, but its meaning is about the waves of the sea.


It is in the hearts of thinkers, who sow deep in their thoughts, to continually know, that we are victims of ourselves, who simply confirm it in different ways, and if enough different ways are invented, they are philosophers of a philosophy.


The formal feeds on the informal, and vice versa.


Inside of us, beyond the normal frontiers of illusion, there is a land, like the black depths of oceans where shady characters swim; hoping to bring back some kind of gift.


We are not just different, we also different in different ways.


We watch many waters, shallow streams of meaningless to the great oceans of destiny, and in truth and deceit, we become who we are, and lessons hover over these words, and they are our friends sometimes rain and thunder on us and yet we carry on from night to day and day to night – in a strange repetition we form our past, and from the past we sense our soul, again, and again – moved to a time when it occurs to a time where it does not occur. Yet countless words are useless, full of mixed up meanings. We wish we could throw such arguments away into the sea and never see them again. We must face ourselves, and only then we will find the very dust that we utter with disgust, strangely mixes in ourselves.


Let shadows speak no more, and we will lie no more. May nobody die and no woman will be pregnant. let us all be content for nobody will know what happiness is, for happiness can only be found in the struggle between birth, and death, and not the freeing of it.



Little, little,
We become,
Like death, like nightÂ…
Listen to our heart beat, such as it speaks,
In beats which dither into our blood.

Cry aloud,
To oceans of rage,
See the great waves,
Let drown and let be,
For out time is soon or never.

Follow the order where no order lies.
Follow where the arrow goes, if to your heart,
Beware of this I say, here truth speaks to you,
Open your ears and let words flow in.

Sing aloud and hard with thy spirit of imagination.
But not for yourself,
But sacrifice for yourself.
Bury these words deep in the foundation,
And build brick by brick.

I see cracks in perfect houses of rock,
I see an imperfection in perfection.
Protect me not,
For my sword runs deeper,
Only movements between the night, and light, like waves.


Answers lie simply in the origin of words, and of their meanings. For as questions are asked, would not answers follow the same road.


If we deceive ourselves, our very thoughts, we will not be able to deceive other people, it is only people who are honest within themselves who are capable of deceit.


We need hope, but we do not want to hope that we need hope.


Masks are a form of self denial: we all feel, but that is what makes us work, why hide pain, better to face pain.


We all need pain, to feel it, understand it – as we like to feel laughter. We need more than spirit, a spiritual pain that drives us through life, as if it where a steering wheel. Not the pain of anger, but pain in its pure sense, full of direction, unlike its opposing force, pleasure.

I have also done a few posts on pleasure starting from this post.


Most people do not want to be evil, not because of its demonic principles but because of the fate of the devil that was thrown out of heaven, to hell, though what was the influence which caused him to change, well what it could be in heaven, where eternity is promised. For because he was the oldest, or first angel, one dilutes to evil more than one becomes evil.


Being evil is not as uncensored as it is imagined by the good, for if evil was not censored it could slip into good, but it would be a much smaller pool than it was before, just as good can slip to evil, for the desire of a bigger pool, but a more diluted one at that.


The more settled our thoughts become, the more change does not suit our manner of being.


We all involve ourselves too little into life, we all simply dip into it and out of it, and we must learn to live it through and through: for it is not a luxury as it is thought but a natural necessity.


Poem on Thought

I believed in thought,
I believed,
So thoughts came, through ideas,
Like seas which travel to oceans,
With hidden meanings in casual meanings,
Like a lost soul.

Inside my thoughts,
Moderated a beat through music,
In essence, in like,
Yet we are one,
But unlike others, as others to us.
Shame! Deceit?
Thoughts about thoughts,
Let thoughts travel to different seas.

We think,
Have we achieved?
We say,
What have we achieved?
We write,
And important words celebrate,
Like a sincere pathos of presence.

I went into the mind,
Not into a form of fiction,
I went into the mind!
However, till I land back,
I searched and hovered in steady motion.


I do question my questions, like a woman who gossips, but I do it to ignore questions and to seek what they hide, though Universities teach otherwise to not question your questions, but to answer them in order to impress.


Sometimes we move in life, as if there were no roads, pavements, and restrictions; as moments fall into a daydream where things seem as a jungle of creatures, such day dreams are health-wise, for then we have the freedom that we seek for, freedom from the traditional sensibility of everyday mannerisms, or cliches.


Feelings begin to become, as ideas turn, yet I still exist with contradictions, though giving strength into my heart where the spirit of my ocean exists.